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CCFA Website

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Having tried to find out details about some clubs in the Duchy, it annoys me that the official Cornwall County Football Association website is so (trying to think of a polite word) rubbish.

Some clubs details are not shown, and some pages don't even work. The old club directories weren't too bad but at least the club colours and grounds were listed alongside the secretary.

Maybe if someone from the CCFA could try updating information so that it is relevant and helpful!

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How can you say that.  The site lists every club, its contact details and location.  A very good web site

​I sit corrected. I tried it earlier and no information came up on the club I searched but having tried it again, I see it is informative. Doesn't help if I was looking for information on St Kew though!

Surely this is best done on a league-by-league basis, rather than at County Level.

​A league by league basis shows no information for one of the women's leagues and the Cornwall Sunday League only has the full time website. the West Cornwall Sunday League full time website hasn't been updated for three weeks. I know that is the responsibility of the leagues to do but if you're trying to find out club information, there is nothing on FX Union, who they are, their colours or where they play.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Despite probably all of their members being there, the website administrator possibly wasn't as the Cornwall Junior Cup Final penalty shoot out result is listed wrong. It was 4-3 not 3-2.

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