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I'm now putting together next month's issue (MARCH) which all being well will be available at the end of next week.


However, I don't think I made it clear to those subscribers that signed up for the original 3 months discounted offer that it had come to an end with the February issue.


I enclosed a "Subscribe to CORNISH SOCCER" for completing to help, but at the moment, out of 18, I have only had 2 returned!


The discounted offer of £6.88 (including postage) is again available as I continue to get CORNISH SOCCER off the ground, but as I need some idea as to how many to order for the print run, I would be grateful if those that wish to renew can let me know as soon as possible and then follow that up with the appropriate payment.


At the same time, if there is anyone reading this and can suggest a better method of distribution - I would be happy to hear from you. To be honest, it is a major stumbling block and seriously cramping the circulation!


Start the debate going - even back to the basics with is CORNISH SOCCER worth producing?


Feel free to suggest new or different content and what you would like to see in a magazine such as CORNISH SOCCER.


So far in the initial 4 issues produced, I have attempted to cover all Saturday levels of football, from features on leagues, clubs and players through to individuals quotes. It has gone down well with those that have read it, but take up is disappointingly slow and it is time to hear from you as a reader, or you as a non-reader. What do you like about it? Or why are you not interested in buying it?


Honest, frank and open feedback is more than welcome either by posting on this thread, or if you're not registered for this forum, please either text me on 07759 502408 or email : davedeacon@cornishsoccer.info


I look forward to hearing what you think.



Dave Deacon

CORNISH SOCCER - here's a link as to how to subscribe if you don't already know.

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Hi Dave,


Keep meaning to subscribe but forgetting... will sort ASAP. Definitely interested in a way to keep up to date with Cornish football when I only get home once every couple of months. Have you considered distributing the mag as an online pdf or e-reader as well as a hard copy? Might help widen the appeal.



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Good to hear from you Matt.


You're not the only one to say to me "keep meaning to subscribe but forgetting". Must be because we're Cornish!  :thumbsup:


To help, I've now added Paypal links to all my CORNISH SOCCER website pages. Don't know why I didn't do that sooner! However, regarding your pdf e-reader suggestion - yes I tried this on my first issue (at a reduced price) thinking I would be inundated and insufficient take-up to make me bother on the following three. Strange, I thought it would be sell-out! I can always do it again though if there is sufficient demand.

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