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Trelawney Division 2 Winners

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Blue bridge somthing i will agree on u there culdrose definatly a surprise package at the top end of league but footballs about results and grinding them out any way possible. And chicken nugget penryn wont neee do u any favours till u do yourself a favour and beat trispen tonight leagues to close to call and will ultimatly go down to the last game of season hayle had an almighty scare saturday against a strong fielded redruth side who after 20 minits was 2-0 up but hayle rallied back to take a 4-2 lead and then conceed straight from kick of to set up a nervey last 15 so all to play for and many more surprises along the way to go in my oppinion

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Well when we beat Trispen tonight, if you beat Hayle it's ours to lose again! Many of the teams we have played against have told us what great football we play at times. The only negative feedback has been from Penryn who seem bitter after failing to beat us in either game.!

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Bityer from penryn or blue bridge chickennugget as being from hayle blue bridge seems have an issue with any team above penryns league standings but its all water under the bridge just plain banter and thought for giving other teams a moral boost to have a laugh at his expenses...think with hayle culdrose and penryn all with a good pop at the league not mention trispen aswell this week should open the tittle race up a bit more depending on results and what games penryn and culdrose have midweek where sides for and against can strenghen as with hayle yes u can only use 2 but with right tactics 2 players can make alot of diffrence if u have an already strong and gelled squad

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The league doesnt lie, the most consistant team wins, results prove that! Im throwing my cloak over Hayle to win it, ive watched them a few times this year and have to say that,in my opinion, they have played some nice tidy football. Dan Richards controlling mid field and captaining with authority. They are strong all over the park, and seem to get results when needed.

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As what happened to you last night chickennugget anything can happen in 90 minits and its gonna be a real push for us at hayle to get the 2 wins needed or 1 win 2 draws win league on goal diffrence gonna be a battle but one hayle are looking forward to playing in with us playing division 4 football last year amd swapping squads over this year with last years team in division 2

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Chunkarito ure points there are correct any player would look good in a decent footballing side and as u said that is what we are but on a note most of our players in our side bar a select 3-4 are all under 22 and are by far pushing above many standerds of other players in there age and league standerds. And for tge record danny has played only a handful of games in midfield as his postion is actually in front the back for as a attacking defender and is by far one of the better defencive players in our league with a heart and passion for the game and his club

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Hayle's captain controlling midfield, Don't make me laugh, A decent footballing side will always make average players look good which is what Hayle have done!

You aint got a clue, I have seen this boy play for PZ swl side and he didnt look out of place.Have you played against him this season? As for making you laugh,really?? Tell me who you play for and il come and watch you.
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If it's the same fella that played against us (threemilestone) this season as captain, he wasn't that great, but it was an awful pitch, not many of us looked good!!

Watched that match. It certainly wasn't the best advert for trelawny 2 football but having played Hayle twice already he's far better than he showed that day. I think the same could be said for a lot of the players on both sides though.

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Chickennugget a fair statement there 2 big games monday night with what could be played alongside eachother aswell depending on results that day the league could be summed up there and then or it could like ive been saying for a while be all down to the last game of the season both teams neading 3 points to stay in the hunt for a 1st or 2nd place league finish with 2 opponents easy of upsetting Hayle/culdrose

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