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Fixture In April

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trevenson have 1 allocated fixture in may which is may 25 against csm lol

yes csm will have a big fixture pile but with teams winding down and most players eyeing up there cricket gear it could work in there advantage. i just hope teams playing them continue to raise sides in mid/late may alot of good sides pushing for promotion in div1 could go down to the wire.

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kinda wrong if u ask me its a saturday league and surly they shud have to play the same as every other team gives them the advantage over other teams because they have a full side where as other teams will have players who cant play mid week because of work or family commitments. they shud have to play the same as every other club and if they cant raise a side forfiit the game and loose the points as teams such as storm have had to do in the past.

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Does seem very wrong I am afraid - they knew that before they entered the league that the seaon starts in August and ends April/May - now i can understand startng late cos of lack of pitches due to cricket or whatever that already happens but to ask for a break cos of school holidays? Maybe i will write to the league and ask for my fixtures to be suspended cos I have naval men signed on and they are in Afghanistan - can we all wait till they come back?

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Bash they do this every season we lost in my opinion a good opportunity a couple of seasons ago to win the league because we had to play them when lots of our lads were unavailable for one reason or another it was also the third week of may, and our last game was april. Also it does not affect them because they did back then sign on 40 or 50 players easy to pick a team every other day from that which is what most did. They are in my opinion a waste of time to the league they don't play for the first month nothing at xmas and nothing for three weeks now. One word PATHETIC :angry: Nothing personal postman pat as u know my feelings on them id rather have one less team.

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Guest BenTheYeti

I'm not one for criticising other teams and players, but I heard through the jungle drums that they asked for a semi final of a cup game to be moved, as the scheduled date meant they wouldn't have a full squad

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Bit harsh Marksey, because of their locality and size they can not enter University or College organised leagues and they do have a right to represent their organisation in sport. Tremough use our facilities and are a great bunch of lads. I imagine that there are some very good players on show. We should welcome them into our league infrastructure. I know if your write to the league then they often consider rescheduling some of your fixtures if this is done at the start of the season. I believe that Penryn have done this in the past and their 3rd team did it this weekend, although I may be mistaken.

When I attended university, at Rolle College in Exmouth, we weren't able to get the backing or quality to compete in the University leagues, but we were very competitive in the local leagues.

It's done at levels higher up, don't Exeter Uni play in the SW East League?

Understand your frustration about it too Le Boss and Marksy, especially the example given by yourself, but it isn't their fault.

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Agree about not there fault bud just annoying for the rest of us I personally don't have any probs with the college /uni lads some cracking players just not how the league should be run. It's quite frustrating if you are due to play them and find it cancelled and as in our case a couple of seasons ago we never played as all our fixtures were done and we had to wait three weeks by then we lost players to all sorts of things had no momentum and played a side who had played lots of games with plenty of players every couple of days. Fair dues to them but for me not playing over three weeks at Xmas in mud ice snow whatever and they don't have to is that an advantage blah blah blah who knows. I don't like it therefore wouldn't have them sorry lads

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