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A question for any refs

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I was booked during a game in November for asking the ref 'Could you tell me how that wasn't a free-kick?' after our player had been cleaned out from behind outside the opponents area. a few second later they were awarded a free-kick and it was moved 10 yards further forwards.

The referee of the match told me he wasn't sending the booking in.

He had an appalling game and was scored zero. A report stating that I had been booked and that it would not be sent in (I also think an opposition player was also booked during the game and that would not be sent in) was sent to the league as per rules when an official is scored less than 60.

Then on 1st Feb the fines paperwork came through from the CCFA for the booking, 2 and a half months after the game.

I was told by 2 referees last Saturday that this booking should be null and void as it appears that the paperwork was not filed either at all by the referee (so it was picked up by my report) or outside a valid time frame.

Is this correct. I have no problem paying the fine as the paperwork and cheque are currently sat on my desk ready to send off.

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Cheque sent. Impossible to keep mouth shut as tackles where flying in unpunished. 3 players left the pitch injured (2 from us and 1 from opposition). Ref was hopeless.
The question is this. Is there a length of time that all bookings must be reported by and after said point do they then become invalid? I raise this question as TWO refs mentioned this to me on Saturday after it took two and a half months for the paperwork to come through.

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I thought the rules had changed to prevent officials not sending in red and yellow cards? Isn't the onus now on club to chase/report the yellow and red cards? I have to say my only gripe with officials is they don't get the cards out enough. But thats my only gripe. I think the refs we have are a pretty good bunch on the whole.

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Lots of Refs don't send cards in & this has always gone on,should of just kept quiet as now you've caused problems for the ref & might cost other people monies that might have not had to be paid.seeing most of us pay to play is maybe just getting sent off during the game punishment enough,only charge @ low level football should be for administration other than violent conduct or the like.

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