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Well done Buckland !!!

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Superb season Lads !! Well done !! :clapper: :clapper: :clapper:

Highlight of the season for me though, was the St Luke's Bowl Final at Tiverton and is the best I have ever seen Buckland play, and just maybe, the reason why we should move up and on ??

Get in there !!!

:yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:

:drink: :drink: :drink:

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Posting this on a Cornish forum - I think that's called gloating!

Well when you're League Champions - you can!

I would also like to say well done to Buckland in your achievements this season

Oh and as far as I'm concerned, you carry on posting on this Cornish Forum - it's by far the best and most read one around the south west

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Buckland continue to set the standard both on and off the field.

Still some work to do to close the gap I feel but the reason why other clubs must push on.

The challenge has been set!!

Well done to Buckland. :clapper:

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