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the big issue

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Clearly Lee W is going to have to face the consequences of his actions but from what i am told the St Austell

manager Andy Dingle was also guilty of punching a supporter in the face. If this is the case then it is certainly every bit as bad if not even worse than Lee s actions. St Austell have been quick to tell lee he will never play for them again, what do they intend to do about the Dingle situation then.

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this is the thing a newquay supporter can be clearly seen throwing a punch in a picture in one of the papers!!think its the mail and the way he is aiming somebody is already on the way down!!! surely this is not acceptable as self defence?? the player should and will be punished so should those of the newquay faithfull who retaliated which after all is what the player did in the first place!!!And in my opinion the reason the judge looks sheepish is because he probably accepted all his vicious banter was about to smack him in the face!! (excuse the pun)And before anyone starts no i wasnt there and i have no particular interest in either club!

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i am told the St Austell manager Andy Dingle was also guilty of punching a supporter in the face. If this is the case then it is certainly every bit as bad if not even worse than Lee s actions. St Austell have been quick to tell lee he will never play for them again, what do they intend to do about the Dingle situation then.

i'm afraid you COULD well be misinformed about this.2 right arms and all that.Any way nothing is up to any of us its all up to the fa let them deal with it

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I think the whole situation is far more serious than people seem to think. As much as we all have opinions - and most of us were not there, a life time ban on the player concerned is a real optiom for the CCFA.

As far as both clubs are concerned it is something that should not have happened but if the CCFA are worth their salt then both clubs could be in very serious trouble indeed. Failing to control and all that As the situation was photogtaphed it would ve very difficult for either club to defend itself. Banning certain fans from grounds is a very good idea and could stop something like this happening again. Don't forget it is the home clubs responsibility for security and the safety of both fans and players and officials and in situations like this they can face very serious consequences such as having the ground closed down for a period of time or no fans being allowed to warch games.

I'm afraid we will now have to wait for the investigation etc to take its course.

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How can both clubs be in trouble, what have newquay done apart from supporting there club and a bit of banter which goes on in every game, last year in the same fixture mr wheeters was shouting banter at the newquay crowd when st austell won, when the teams came off u didnt see the newquay supporters hitting there players??? This is not the only time st austell have been in trouble in the last 12 months, i thought they were on a suspended sentence from the county. same person involved in that i believe???? HAVE THERE BEEN ANY REPORTS FROM OTHER TEAMS ABOUT NEWQUAY FANS OR THE JUDGE I DONT THINK SO. mystery punch own up and dont blame others u know who u are

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dave the rave how can u say that the st asutell coaching staff are making the punch! are u really that dumb! clearly u can see that the guy making the punch has a black sleeve which is a player shirt rold up and the st austell coaching staff wear training t shirts with white sleeve. the guy with white sleeves which is dingle is trying to hold the player back, get ya facts right !

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Sammy it clearly isnt a fact is it...

If u actually look in the pictures u can see Andy Dingles RIGHT ARM.

At the same time, you can see the RIGHT ARM of the person throwing the punch. Unless Andy has 2 right arms, i don't think it was him.

If any of you actually knew anything, instead of coming on here posting a load of crap, you would know that the person who threw the punch has also been suspended from the club, and the CCFA are aware of what he done.

Absolutely no point in this topic whatsoever. Like has been said so many times... LET THE CCFA DEAL WITH IT!!

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It was not Andy Dingle who threw the punch and the person whom did throw the punch has been dealt with

Dave the Rave

As stated before You should look at the pictures before you spout your gob off so then you might understand what you are saying is incorrect as hugo points out it is a FULL BLACK SLEEVE ROLLED UP in the pictures of the person who threw the punch.

As you say the book be thrown at St Austell how about the Newquay fan CLEARLY SHOWN TO BE THROWING A PUNCH throw the book at him to along with the club he supports (UMMMMM).

Time to let the whole issue be dealt with by the CCFA

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The suupporter u are talking about Lee is the one who got punched in the side of the head and cut his face, in the photo he looked like he was going to hit someone but did he NO, and i cant blame him after being assulted in the first instance.If he didn't get punched then i would not stick up for him and condoned it FACT WHAT WOULD U Do??? MEWQUAY NOT GUILTY OF ANYTHING APPART FROM A BIT OF BANTER AND WHAT RULE DOES THAT BREAK???

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The suupporter u are talking about Lee is the one who got punched in the side of the head and cut his face, in the photo he looked like he was going to hit someone but did he NO, and i cant blame him after being assulted in the first instance.If he didn't get punched then i would not stick up for him and condoned it FACT WHAT WOULD U Do??? MEWQUAY NOT GUILTY OF ANYTHING APPART FROM A BIT OF BANTER AND WHAT RULE DOES THAT BREAK???

he is relatiating players get sent off for that are you telling me not one single newquay fan threw a punch pictures dont show that . clubs get punished for fans behaviour but i cant understand why people are starting new posts on the subject all the time

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You need your eyes tested mate. If you look closely at picture 19, you can see Andys right arm with a white sleeve by his side. In picture 18 you can see that the person throwing the punch has a rolled up black sleeve! People really should get their facts straight before posting on here... The referee seen the incident and included the persons name in his report and he has been suspended until punishment from the CCFA... What more do you want?

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The suupporter u are talking about Lee is the one who got punched in the side of the head and cut his face, in the photo he looked like he was going to hit someone but did he NO, and i cant blame him after being assulted in the first instance.If he didn't get punched then i would not stick up for him and condoned it FACT WHAT WOULD U Do??? MEWQUAY NOT GUILTY OF ANYTHING APPART FROM A BIT OF BANTER AND WHAT RULE DOES THAT BREAK???

Check out pictures 16 17 you might change your mind

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Guest plainmoor

It was dingle that threw the punch, if you look you can see a short black sleeve and hairy arms throwing the punch, the next picture shows a white sleeve with the follow through punch but still hairy arms, if any of you would care to check you will see that Dingle is wearing a t-shirt that has short arms with black underneath and white on top, the manager threw the punch of that there is no doubt, I believe that there are more photos in this set, even close up ones of Dingle, showing exactly what he was wearing on that day, what was it, oh yes, a t-shirt with white on top and black underneath.

Slugger Dingle pride of SAFC

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The whys and the wherefores are irrelevant .

If a player and manager punch supporters they should be banned for life, unfortunately the FA has always been weak on such issues and I suspect that the culprits will get lengthy bans and maybe the club a few points deducted.

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ok plainmoor, if your so adamant that it was Andy that threw the punch, you obviously think the referee, linesman, all the players, all of the comittee, alot of supporters and the person who admitted to throwing the punch are all wrong, and the individual that has been suspended from the club and is going to be charged by the CCFA should be let off and Andy Dingle should be charged of it instead?

And Paul... admittadly we've lost 3 on the trot... but losing 2 on the trot isn't a great deal better... :clapper:

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People are coming on here and continually saying the subject should be left alone but clearly it is not going to be - I do not wish to divert any blame away from the main issue here but those who try to absolve the Newquay involvement as merely banter are deluding themselves - this was a an unfortunate situation which was very much on the cards in my opinion given the rantings and absolute gargage that a certain so called Newquay fan continually spouts on here rubbishing the likes of Perranporth, Godolphin and in particular Truro city not too mention the shenanigans at Foxhole recently when the Foxes manager felt compelled to enter the stand and remonstrate with him also - funny how all this has been conveniently forgotten and hey has this guy and for that matter St.Austell (or St.Awful as they are disrespectively described) never heard of the Bradford City fire disaster ie smoking in a wooden seated stand.

Absolutely no point in the FA trying to push this respect campaign of theirs if all concerned are not pulling in the same direction - good natured banter, windups etc all part of the game as long as it is kept in proportion - at our level every word is heard - I too hope the authorities deal firmly with the core issue in this matter whilst not forgetting to look at the whole situation which sometimes is the case.

Incidentally I am NOT a supporter of either of the clubs in question or others mentioned here but nevertheless do not hide behind any seudonyms(think that is the right spelling)!!!! like some.

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Your comment just about sums up some of the people that come on this forum without knowing the true facts!

For your information,

The Bradford City disaster took place on May 11, 1985 when a flash fire occurred at the Valley Parade stadium of English football club Bradford City during a match against Lincoln City. On that day, Bradford were celebrating winning the Football League Third Division trophy and this was caught live by Yorkshire television, this is the clip

The fire started when a fan disposed of a cigarette into a plastic cup, which fell underneath the stands and into the built-up rubbish that had been accumulating under the stands over the years. The fire started in the main stand and quickly spread ; when people in the back attempted to escape, they found that the exit doors were locked. Due to its wood and asbestos construction, the stand was completely consumed by flames within minutes. 56 people died and over 200 were injured.

Have a look for yourself:-


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Guest fromacrossthewater

It was a traffic event, however before u start shouting ur mouth off at others research into 'true' facts. It was never proved that a cigarette started that fire only 'believed' to be the cause!

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It was a traffic event, however before u start shouting ur mouth off at others research into 'true' facts. It was never proved that a cigarette started that fire only 'believed' to be the cause!

"Traffic event" what are you saying? was it a cigarette lighter from a 1985 Morris Marina that was 'believed' to be the probable cause then?

Hear where you are comming from my friend, but this is still a clear indication of peoples ignorance/stupidity and Inability to spell correctly on this site!

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Calm down pal.

Was only saying what I thought happened. Didn't say it was gospel. Have been looking at this issue with my BTEC class with regards to health and Safety in Sport. We all know info: this led to the legislation of The Fire Safety and Safety of Places of Sport Act 1987!!

Here was my source.

sorry if incorrect


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Guest fromacrossthewater

It was a traffic event, however before u start shouting ur mouth off at others research into 'true' facts. It was never proved that a cigarette started that fire only 'believed' to be the cause!

"Traffic event" what are you saying? was it a cigarette lighter from a 1985 Morris Marina that was 'believed' to be the probable cause then?

Hear where you are comming from my friend, but this is still a clear indication of peoples ignorance/stupidity and Inability to spell correctly on this site!

Apologies for the dodgy predictive text from my phone, but the term "Pot, Kettle, Black" comes to mind. Also the use of capitals in the middle of a sentance - well done Shakesphere!!

Think we have gone off subject a little.

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I reply to pete Dillon's posting from yesterday - well said!!!

From what I can see nobody at StAustell has condoned what Whetts did but there is a point where "banter" stops, recent actions (however wrong) surely prove that.

I only heard a few minutes of a programme on Radio 5 the other night on this exact subject, where Garth Crooks was interviewing some of the players who are constantly subjected to "banter" (eg Robbie Savage etc) and discussing how they dealt with it. No doubt some of the racial abuse that once was common in football league stadiums 20+ years ago was considered "banter" by some of the perpetrators and that's not accepted anywhere now.

We all want true banter, big noisy crowds and a good atmosphere at games and things are often said in the heat of the moment on and off the pitch but there are two sides to this matter. Whett's was definitely in the wrong and will be rightly punished - whether anything will come from the other side of the story is another matter.

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