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Why Liverpool will not win the league

Guest mariner

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Guest mariner

Spearing,Lucas,Aurelio,Voronin :lol:

Absoloutely no strength in depth, no Torres,Gerrard no team!

What was Benitez thinking? 3-6-1 formation it aint championship manager on the pc.

They really are SHITE, love it!

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Lol was the best thing ive ever seen hes prone to the odd howler!!!!hahahaha :drink:

Prone to the odd howler????? he's in the top 3 keepers in the world in my opinion. As far as I can remember, he's not made many howlers for Liverpool, maybe one against Everton 2 years ago when he tossed the ball in the air, cos he wasn't sure what to do with it. He couldn't have done anything about that yesterday!

7/2 Sunderland were to win yesterday. That was a licence to print money, and if I had had a spare £20 I would have put that on, without any doubt!!

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Guest toaster15

I thought it was funny that reina went to save the balloon rather than the ball!

It shows that Liverpool fans know the laws of the game better than the ref that day though. Should have been a drop ball. That fan knew what he was doing, shame the ref didn't!

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