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Stepping down as Manager

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Would like to wish Chacewater the very best for the coming season ahead. Fingers crossed all Teams can finish a Season with Trophies and Promotions going to the Winners. I was blessed as my first Management role to join Chacewater. Great players amazing Team Spirt and a winning attitude. My Partner is pregnant with our first Child together, baby due in January. Unfortunately we lost our som last year at 14 weeks old which really took a big effect on all of us as a Family. The news my partner is pregnant is amazing but as you can expect we are very anxious and nervous. For this reason I don’t feel I could give the boys or Club 100 percent of my time or commitment. I always said if any thing stopped me from giving my all with family commitments I would step down as would be unfair to the Players, myself and Family. I really enjoyed my short spell as Manager and once able too and it’s cleared with the Mrs lol I’ll look to take up Management once again. Good luck to the Green Army ❤️❤️

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