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Referee's fees

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Would it not be more advantageous if the county FAs started to pay the referee's fees for games?

There must be a reason that the clubs have to bear the cost of the officials that vary in quality, experience and distance they have to travel but some fees are utterly ridiculous.

I can see 2 advantages to my proposal; firstly they can increase the fees to attract more referees to the game, using a sliding scale on how much a referee recieves. the better their "feedback" the more they get. Thus increasing the quality and consistency of the referee and secondly small clubs could easily use the money they would save to reinvest in the club.

The argument would be that clubs pay for the privilege of playing, but surely what I propose would be more beneficial to football as a whole and more specifically football in our region?

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How do you define how good a referee is? A brave referee who gives a last minute penalty in a vital game. It might be a stonewall penalty one club, perhaps bitter at losing could and probably have in the past marked a referee down for that.

It you expect the CCFA to pay for the referees, bearing in mind that referees get paid more in Peninsula than Trelawny it would be an absolute nightmare to work out and I couldn't see any possible way of it working.

Also if you pay the refs on a sliding scale, if he has a bad game and is penalised, getting less than what he is entitled to, would he/she fancy carrying on? Whether you play in the SWPL Premier or Trelawny/Duchy Division 5 or Sunday morning football you will never get a perfect referee. Personally I would rather see a veteran referee enjoying his game officiating in an 'old school' way than a jumped up youngster doing things by the book.

Clubs have always paid for referees and in my opinion it should stay that way. Yes the CCFA/FA take ridiculous amounts of money off clubs when registering not to mention the minefield of reinstatements and the admin charges. If your club is struggling to pay for referees then why not invest in some football scratchcards and sell them in the pub/club after the game. The SWPL have a fund where the isolated clubs like Appledore and Witheridge usually get some money back as they have to pay more for the officials. It's nicer to get a different referee than the same one every week and sometimes it will be more expensive and he/she might not be as good as you would like - but you will have a referee. That's the most important thing!

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The referee's appointment system should not change, just the methods by which fees are paid. When the referee submits his match report to his respective Fa, then he should also submit his fee claim. If the fa pays then it shouldn't matter where the referee lives to the clubs involved in the game. I wouldn't even object to paying a nominal fee at the beginning of the season to the fa towards referee costs, I object to paying exorbitant fees week in week out. My club dosn't struggle to pay, but I think and strongly believe there is a better way

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A nice idea but not practical, the clubs would still pay ,refs need paying and deserved so with the rubbish they have to put up with on a sat afternoon, the money would have to be found , and a lot of clubs do not have income from gate money,so have to take sub's raffles ect ,if the fa were involved they would take more money from the clubs for admin .

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Using a site like the AA website, I believe it gives a mileage calculator so you can work out how much a referee should be claiming for before hand and if it's different then query it.

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Using a site like the AA website, I believe it gives a mileage calculator so you can work out how much a referee should be claiming for before hand and if it's different then query it.

If you use the AA calculator you'll find refs Don't get enough mileage.

HMRC allowance is 45p mile compared to 36/38 depending on which league.

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