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The annual Connor Oppie seeking a club topic.

Seriously Conner, if any one has a go at you at least you can say you had to bollox to play in the Premier Division! Not like some of the wasters who go down to Div 4 just to score 70 goals a season when capable of achieving much more.

My advice stay local, try and find a club that you can settle down with, play at your ability and enjoy your football and social life. Strife for higher.

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Haha Mr Justice I was about to say the very same thing....this is about as traditional as Xmas now I was getting a bit worried as it always happens at the start of July and it's nearly the 5th!!! just to prove it here are the previous posts.......you've not stated your age this year but looking at my magic 8 ball I reckon your 18??

July 1st 2013


July 3rd 2012


Connor seriously if you played well for St Agnes last year why not stay and if you want to move go to something called pre-season training I'm pretty sure nearly every club advertises on here when their dates are.....otherwise u come across as if your pimping yourself out :)

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