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Peninsula League Dinner and Dance

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Same location, Plymouth and same price as last year £26.00. There is never going to be 50+ clubs happy with the location unless it is in their town, so a midway solution has been found.There is also the problem of finding a hotel big enough to accommodate everyone for dinner, and potentially staying overnight for just one night only at a weekend. Most hotels in the May-Sept period require a two night stay at weekends, we are a tourist based area of the country. Many hotels re also booked way in advance for conferences (as is Plymouth for this particular weekend), weddings etc.

I was asked to do something similar in Newquay a few years back with a years notice, even in the Counties biggest resort, there was nowhere either big enough or available on the dates that we suggested.

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It was always held at The White Hart in Launceston during the SWL days, and nobody ever moaned about that. Plymouth is no further away from PZ than Launceston, maybe not such a good road, but so what. Surely we're not throwing the toys out over a border issue? I drive hundreds of miles every week, so trust me a little jaunt of going from one end of little ol Pastyland to the other is nothing really. I drove back from Leominster for last nights game at Bodmin, now that's a bit of a drive!

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