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Violence flares as man is chased by car at Sunday league football match in Kirkby

ONE man was run over by a car after violence erupted at a Sunday league football match in Kirkby.

Trouble flared during a clash between Coleman’s and Sacred Heart, in Division Two of the Ormskirk and District Sunday Football League, after the referee abandoned the game at Simonswood Playing Fields, in Kirkby, due to a number of violent incidents on the pitch.

Eyewitnesses reported that fights broke out between rival spectators as the players walked off the field as fans armed with hammers and screwdrivers attacked each other.

Shaun Reid, manager of Warrington Town FC, said that he was watching a match on a neighbouring pitch when he saw the trouble start.

Mr Reid said: “The players were walking off when all of a sudden an almighty fight kicked off.

“It was absolute chaos and people were grabbing their kids and running out of the way.

“The spectators were fighting each other and I saw some of them holding hammers, screwdrivers and all sorts.

“All of a sudden, out of nowhere, a black car drove on to the pitch and started chasing a spectator.

“He went over the bonnet and the windscreen was smashed and I thought he must have been badly injured but he got up.

“I’ve been watching Sunday league football for years but I have never seen anything like this.”

Ormskirk and District Sunday League chairman Eddie Pope, who was refereeing a match on a nearby pitch, also witnessed the trouble.

Mr Pope said: “The trouble seemed to spill over as the players were walking off and there were various exchanges between players and spectators before a car did drive up to the side of the pitch.

“I abandoned the match I was refereeing between Kirkby RAFA and Eden Vale because I could see there was potentially a problem and I feared for the safety of the players and spectators.

“It’s very sad for amateur football when anything like this happens and we will wait to read the referee’s report before the matter is referred to Liverpool County FA who I am sure will take action.”

A spokesperson for Merseyside Police said: “Police were called to a disturbance at football fields off Simonswood Lane where a number of teams were playing organised matches.

“At least one person was assaulted and a number of other parties may have been involved but it is still unclear as to the cause of the disturbance and investigations are currently ongoing to identify the parties involved.”

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