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Hake leaves dobwalls

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I was told today that the reason Martyn is leaving Dobwalls is because they have a number of strikers and that he is no longer guaranteed a place in the side.

I find this hard to believe as I thought that he would relish the competition having been top scorer for the last couple of seasons.

If he is not prepared to fight for his place he will be better off elsewhere I suppose?

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I told Dobwalls on tuesday night that i no longer wanted to play there any more. The Gooner it is not a case of not wanting to fight for my place at all, competition for places is a good thing, however it is strange they keep signing more strikers when goal scoring isnt the problem with Dobwalls. I had a good 3 years there in which i was top scorer in each season however i simply wasnt enjoying it there this season and feel i need a fresh challenge, which is why i have decided to move on.

When i spoke to Hodgey on tuesday night he started telling me why he thought i was leaving by getting angry down the phone saying i just didnt want to fight for my place, so that will be where that has come from. If he had let me get my point across then he would know the real reasons.

cheers, hakey

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Hi Pete

Your right good strikers or any other position are hard to come by at this level.

The manager has a hard job attracting players and when you need numbers to put out a team on a saturday, you cannot turn anyone away even if you already have a few to play in that position.

Everyone wants to start but that is not possible and I firmly believe that any player must have confidence in his own ability to compete for a starting place.

If you give 100% and still cannot get into the team maybe then its time to look elsewhere?

I am glad that I am not a manager.

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Gooner you have missed the point again. I havent left because i dont want to fight for my place, i have been in the team anyway, apart from sat as i had a tight hamstring, no problem with that. I left as i wasnt enjoying it and want a new challenge, which if Hodgey had listened he would know.

Pete been top scorer for the past 3 seasons not 2 haha, and cheers for your comments.

Brad Fm arrived today mate :P

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He'll be playing for Lanreath this weekend

Now there's a thought !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

Time will tell - but I'm sure Martyn has plenty of options and hopefully he will make a wise choice that meets his immediate needs.


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