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HA HA!!! Love it mate!!! :thumbsup: Those were the days! Couple of goals in the afternoon and then the real business of saturday night!!!! :clapper: Probably why im old and knackered now mate!!! Aint been out for 4 years! Dont know if i did as well as Georgie though!? Legend!!! :D

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HA HA!!! Love it mate!!! :thumbsup: Those were the days! Couple of goals in the afternoon and then the real business of saturday night!!!! :clapper: Probably why im old and knackered now mate!!! Aint been out for 4 years! Dont know if i did as well as Georgie though!? Legend!!! :D

They wouldn't get you through the nightclub doors these days though Rappo!! Stuck a few in in your time though mate haven't you? ;) How is Mike Counter any way?

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Cheers Goz! Aint been out for 5 years so i would'nt know mate!!! Happy at home with sky sports HD,William Hill online and a bag of wine gums these days! We,re still having a kick around out Trispen bud.Keep up the great work with Perran.You're still the best crosser of a ball in Cornwall i see mate! :clapper:

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I've got a daughter now mate so I'm glad you've decided not to go out on the prowl any more!!!

Thanks for the nice comment about my crossing Rappo. My crossing will never be as good as your finishing though. Shame is that these days you're better at finishing a plate of cod and chips than you are at sticking footballs in nets!!

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Jeez! Let me know when you develop a sense of humour Mickey Lane

I hearby retire the fictional "Gozzy" from this forum. It's been emotional!!

P.S. I love you Rappo!!!

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Nice to see you're still nuts Phil!!! Hope you're well mate? Sounded like something gozzy would say to me though! Very realistic mate! :lol: Micky can't believe you're out the junior cup! Had you down to win it this season.Whats Dave up to mate? Gone back to Perran or still suspended!!! :o

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What rumbled you was you didn't say "Mate" enough times in that paragraph...... :yahoo::yahoo:

Rappo, whens your next scottish football experdition ? going to Forfar V Albion on saturday 20th March and hoping to get an SPL game in on the sunday and maybe a friday nighter on the way up, look forward to playing you later on this season...........

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Hi John,sub most weeks now mate! Trying to step aside for young blood coming through! Unless Mike makes me play!!! Work until 2 most weeks,went Maldives and been ill so i,ll be breathing out me ass more than usual now! Be happy to have a shot against you lot mate!!! Going up Scotland for xmas,so will definately get a couple games in between 20th-28th december john.I know Celtic v Hamilton Accies is a definate.Enjoy you're games,i've been to 9 grounds up there at the moment and counting mate! Got me ANORACH!!! See you at a game soon John :thumbsup:

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Gotta be fair cat,that was some save!!! The crossbar is still rattling!!! Wont mention me 5 past you in the junior cup a couple of seasons ago though mate!!! :thumbsup:

what about the 5 you had against kevin miller,just before he turned pro,not one bad one,in all 5,u should have gone on to bigger things,one of the best finishers i have had the joy to play with and watch . :c::clapper: :clapper:

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Thanks alot Hayd! Appreciate that coming from you mate.You knew where the net was yourself!!! Saw you score a few crackers growing up bud! Yeh that 5 against kev was one of the better nights! 2 right,2 left and a header Hayd!A Few volleys as well! Always a pleasure to play on Penryn's pitch aint it mate. Still remember that sunday game when you slaughtered old matey about his big nose!!! It was like a scene from life of brian!!! He was so busy trying to kick you he let me in for 3 or 4!!! Great days and thanks bud!!! :thumbsup:

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