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Losing to old manager Ian holloway must signal the end of sturrock who has not got a clue he lets a player like jermaine easter go who cant stop scoring for mk dons and his signings are not up to it ,and now paul mariner is back as his assistant he was a brilliant player for argyle him and bill rafferty but he should go back to the mickey mouse soccer league in america at least he will be there next satday when his old club ipswich are at home park i will be there to get a autograph of a man utd legend roy keane if hes still in a job.Please get rid of sturrock and get the only man who can get plymouth out of this mess neil warnock who is loved at plymouth and has a house down here in cornwall STURROCK OUT WARNOCK IN

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Losing to old manager Ian holloway must signal the end of sturrock who has not got a clue he lets a player like jermaine easter go who cant stop scoring for mk dons and his signings are not up to it ,and now paul mariner is back as his assistant he was a brilliant player for argyle him and bill rafferty but he should go back to the mickey mouse soccer league in america at least he will be there next satday when his old club ipswich are at home park i will be there to get a autograph of a man utd legend roy keane if hes still in a job.Please get rid of sturrock and get the only man who can get plymouth out of this mess neil warnock who is loved at plymouth and has a house down here in cornwall STURROCK OUT WARNOCK IN

Warnock would not come to plymouth simple as that he may love the club but noooo way

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I think this a prime example of how fickle football fans can be these days. Argyle would still be in League Two were it not for Sturrock. Maybe if Argyle didnt sell all of their best players (which cant be blamed on Sturrock) they wouldnt be in this position.

In all honesty, they've overperformed these last few years, they are a mediocre team that are not good enough for the Championship.

As for Warnock (aka, the biggest d#ckhead in football), i hope he doesnt return to Argyle, the furthur that muppet is away from Cornwall the better!!! The idea of having only the tamar seperating him and us here in Cornwall doesnt bear thinking about!!!


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At least Neil warnock has a personallity sturrock i cannot stand he wouldnt even even let me take another photo of him when my 1st one turned out blurred down at truro compared with neil warnock who has time for everybody and has passion for the game all you people who think sturrock is good for argyle need to get there head out of there asses and see what a mess hes made of the team letting easter go was a joke and getting crap players in if you had a poll the majority of fans would want sturrock out and i have been goin to argyle for over 40 years home and away so i have seen good and bad very bad lately.

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For a start i am not a new fan i have been goin to home park for 42 years sturrock got rid of good players some he had to but he replaces them with players not fit to wear a green shirt all the money has gone towards a new stand the way they are goin there will be no one goin to fill it sturrock was good a few years ago but those days are long gone and what the hell was he thinking of when he allowed seip to play and score vs them for blackpool yesterday it was nice of ian holloway to shake hands with all the plymouth staff b4 the match pity he ever left plymouth we wouldnt be in this mess we are in now off to watch argyle vs bristol on tues another defeat for sure but miracles do happen . :c:

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The key to Argyle's recent successes over the last 7 or so years has been down to steady progress. Keeping the best players and moving on the less able who were replaced by better players.

Unfortunately for Sturrock, his second spell started with the loss of key players. Ebanks-Blake, Halmosi and Norris all left which he could do nothing about. Hayles and Gosling were playing well and were moved on just before Luggy arrived. McCormick - well, not exactly his fault. Then, letting Connolly and Wotton go and we had suddenly lost 8 regulat players within half a season.

Last year he had to make some quick signings to put out a team that compete in the Championship. There was no time to build his own team. The team did well to stay in the league and he has looked to strengthen this summer but with a lack of money available has made the best of it that he can.

The team we have now is far from being a strong team in the Championship but is certainly one that has the ability to finish outside the bottom 6.

One strength of Argyle moving up through the leagues was always the unity between the club, the players and the fans. They all felt that they were one team. However, by losing the bulk of a squad that was lost and has not been rebuilt.

Sturrock will come good if given time and support. Unfortunately the fans are quick to get on his back. Realistically, we would expect a loss on Tuesday at Bristol with a point being a bonus. However, a loss would see people calling for his head whereas a win would see people saying that one win is not good enough.

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For a start i am not a new fan i have been goin to home park for 42 years sturrock got rid of good players some he had to but he replaces them with players not fit to wear a green shirt all the money has gone towards a new stand the way they are goin there will be no one goin to fill it sturrock was good a few years ago but those days are long gone and what the hell was he thinking of when he allowed seip to play and score vs them for blackpool yesterday it was nice of ian holloway to shake hands with all the plymouth staff b4 the match pity he ever left plymouth we wouldnt be in this mess we are in now off to watch argyle vs bristol on tues another defeat for sure but miracles do happen . :c:

Alot of the mess plymouth are in is because of holloway an example is the release fee he put on ebanks-blake's contract and there are several other things he did

altho you say you have been going up for 40 odd years like said in a recent post yuou do sound like a new fan!

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At least Neil warnock has a personallity sturrock i cannot stand he wouldnt even even let me take another photo of him when my 1st one turned out blurred down at truro compared with neil warnock who has time for everybody and has passion for the game all you people who think sturrock is good for argyle need to get there head out of there asses and see what a mess hes made of the team letting easter go was a joke and getting crap players in if you had a poll the majority of fans would want sturrock out and i have been goin to argyle for over 40 years home and away so i have seen good and bad very bad lately.

if you dont like him ,why then would you want your photo taken with him :c: :D

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I am not a new fan i have stood in the same place on the then terraces by the away dug out for all those year sand now sit there i have taken photos of all my matches until recently and remember when the great pele played there and i got his autograph and photo plymouth is in my blood i just dont like the way the club is bein run at the moment my name is steve pearce and i am pissed off about being called a new fan if i was i would certainly not being goin to watch them i travel on my own on the bus from newquay get to the ground about 1 then get some autographs then i wait after the match to get the coach back home i have done this for years i used to go up and watch the combination league when the likes of spurs and arsenal where in them i once saw clive allen score 5 goals for palace when the game was abandoned to fog also i saw the great jimmy greaves play for the spurs reserve team with my dad have seen man utd play st etiene there after crowd trouble and where told they had to play on a neutral ground also seen my all time fav player there george best play once for fulham and in a celebrity match i have so many good memories so no i am not a new supporter byeeee for now. :c:

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I am not a new fan i have stood in the same place on the then terraces by the away dug out for all those year sand now sit there i have taken photos of all my matches until recently and remember when the great pele played there and i got his autograph and photo plymouth is in my blood i just dont like the way the club is bein run at the moment my name is steve pearce and i am pissed off about being called a new fan if i was i would certainly not being goin to watch them i travel on my own on the bus from newquay get to the ground about 1 then get some autographs then i wait after the match to get the coach back home i have done this for years i used to go up and watch the combination league when the likes of spurs and arsenal where in them i once saw clive allen score 5 goals for palace when the game was abandoned to fog also i saw the great jimmy greaves play for the spurs reserve team with my dad have seen man utd play st etiene there after crowd trouble and where told they had to play on a neutral ground also seen my all time fav player there george best play once for fulham and in a celebrity match i have so many good memories so no i am not a new supporter byeeee for now. :c:

i was at that match,the crowd was so big that night i was carried out,as my feet did not touch the ground. :drink:

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Don't fall for the Hollowrd waffle. When he was at QPR he had one dream and that was to manage Leicetser. QPR sussed him out and like idiots Argyle took him on - yet all he could think about was going to Leicetser. And what did he do when he got there. Slagged off the players and the fans and Leicester knew he had to go when he took them down. Likewise with Pullis. That snake kept Argyle dangling on a string. We couldn't do a thing and once it was all clear to him that the Stoke job was on he was gone and Argyle were once again left in limbo. Both Holloword and Pullis used Argyle as stepping stones to higher things. It doesn't matter how good or bad they were they stitched up Argyle just like that usless idiot Williamson. In todays world Sturrock does not stand a chance. What he built at the club succesive managers threw away. I've said it before that I was a big fan of Sturrock unfortunately he is now past his sell by date and should go. The whole club needs a complete clear out. I cant see Sturrock or the remaining board members being in situ in the new year. They have done their job and now its time to part company.

But will it be to late?

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Plymouth Arglye are a poor side at the moment they are not strong enough and have no fight in them, they look tired and have no ideas across the board. The manager has about much personality as a dead frog and will be expecting the sack by the middle of the week with Paul Mariner taking ove until the end of the season. :c:

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I bloody hope paul mariner is not in charge soon all he knows is the mickey mouse soccer league in the states it will be nice to see him again on sat day against his old town ipswich i remember mariner and rafferty where telepathic in the way they played i remember mariner always used to stand in front of the goalie he couldnt do that in these days ,my all time top players 1 Tommy tynan 2 Hughie reed 3 jim furnell 4 Paul MARINER thers so many even Derek Rickard One last thing i was at the st austell match and Lee whetter was getting so much abuse mostly from a certain person he shouldnt of done what he did but there is only so much abuse you can take and you snap he should be banned for a month but not kicked out all together and st austell should not be punished its always been a love hate relationship between the 2 sets of supporters looking forward to seeing the lillywhites at mt wise you will get a warm reception :c:

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With reference to the possibility of Paul Mariner becoming Argyle manager.

Firstly, as I have already stated above, I still feel that Sturrock is the man for the job.

However, if Argyle were to relieve him of his position and look for someone else then why not Mariner? He is being written off straight away without anyone really knowing what he has been doing in the past few years.

There have been some people who have become good managers straight from the end of a playing career without any pst experience. There are also many who, just because they have spent some time managing in the Premiership, walk into jobs left right and centre but never stay for long.

Which would you rather came to Argyle?

A manager who has experience but has never really acheived very much and would probably struggle to keep Argyle up/see them progress. Often at the first opportunity this person will jump ship to a perceived bigger club.

Or an up and coming manager who will be dedicated to the cause at the club?

I know which I'd prefer. Mariner may not have the experience of managing in English football but I'd rather he was given the chance than some old chap who has been everywhere else and failed.

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Guest Peppermint

I do not know why the St Austell fracas has been mentioned on this thead but St Austell will be welcomed at Mount Wise when they play there, as usual. The incident that happened at Poltair Park on Saturday is regretable but hopefully that will be dealt with by the League and CCFA and that will be the end of it hopefully.

Banter happens at every game so that cannot be an excuse - for 100% Cornish - I have heard it at Home Park and Treyew Road so it happens everywhere. The main problem was, I was not there, but the referee should have insisted that the red carded players went to the dressing room - if that happened then all the problems would have not taken place.

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I mentioned it on this thread so i wouldnt start another debate my main story was about paul mariner being back at plymouth which i think will not work i see ian holloway writing today in the morning news he still loves plymouth it would be nice if he was at home park but that is never likely to happen so its up to sturrock to get argyle out of this mess .yes the ref should of sent the players down the tunnel but the abuse lee whetter was inexecusable but i saw worst once at plymouth when stockports coloured striker kevin francis was abused terribly and at the end of the match after he left the pitch with the match ball after his hat trick a bald headed bloke rushed down from behind me and as francis was goin down the tunnel he spat right inhis face and nothing was done by the stewards i wrote to argyle at the time and nothing was done i wrote to kevin francis to say all plymouth supporters arent like that piece of dirt he said he had reported it and thanks. :c:

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I do not know why the St Austell fracas has been mentioned on this thead but St Austell will be welcomed at Mount Wise when they play there, as usual. The incident that happened at Poltair Park on Saturday is regretable but hopefully that will be dealt with by the League and CCFA and that will be the end of it hopefully.

Banter happens at every game so that cannot be an excuse - for 100% Cornish - I have heard it at Home Park and Treyew Road so it happens everywhere. The main problem was, I was not there, but the referee should have insisted that the red carded players went to the dressing room - if that happened then all the problems would have not taken place.

ohhh so it wasnt whetts fault after all,its the bloody refs,oh my god these poor men get blamed for every thing :lol::lol: :lol:

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Guest Peppermint

You are a hard man to please Truro's Mr M - I was just mentioning a technical point that a few referees have informed me about - I was at St Blazey on Saturday and a Bovey Tracey player was sent off and the referee [who incidentally was excellent] waited until the player went to the changing rooms before he restarted the match.

Of course I am not excusing Lee's actions - he has already apologised on another thread and I am sure he regrets totally his actions.

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Likewise with Pullis. That snake kept Argyle dangling on a string.

Pullis kept Argyle up when we looked certain for relegation. He brought in Ward on loan and some other good players. If we got relegated that season i don't think we'd ever bounce back. Maybe he ditched us to move on but he did a damn good job and i think most people regard him as a hero more than a "snake".

It's annoying when managers use argyle to move onto bigger things but just like a players career they have to strive to improve themselves and fulfill their managerial ambitions. We can't despise them for that.

I think Sturrock is probably losing it a bit but jumping on the managers back when he has limited resources and fledgeling support from most fans, is just fickle.

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You are a hard man to please Truro's Mr M - I was just mentioning a technical point that a few referees have informed me about - I was at St Blazey on Saturday and a Bovey Tracey player was sent off and the referee [who incidentally was excellent] waited until the player went to the changing rooms before he restarted the match.

Of course I am not excusing Lee's actions - he has already apologised on another thread and I am sure he regrets totally his actions.

thats what the missis said,but i dont think a sorry on here ,makes up for what he done,but football is all about opinions. :c:

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Guest Peppermint

Fair comment - we all try to please our wives.

I am sure Lee realises that the authorities will come down hard on him but at least he seems contrite - the comments from a few Committee members from AFC St Austell, on here, did nothing to help the situation.

Incidentally what were the facilities at Tiverton like if you went on Saturday.

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Fair comment - we all try to please our wives.

I am sure Lee realises that the authorities will come down hard on him but at least he seems contrite - the comments from a few Committee members from AFC St Austell, on here, did nothing to help the situation.

Incidentally what were the facilities at Tiverton like if you went on Saturday.

lovely little set up,they have got up there,the pitch was perfect,and with lots of covered stands its great,smashing grub after and a 4-0 win what a lovely day,cheers mate :c: :clapper:

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Guest Peppermint

Truro seem to be back on track now - you see some of us from Newquay are happy to see City achieve success!!!!! It looks as if City will at least achieve a play off place if Farnborough win the league but there is a long way to go.

I hope to see City play if there any midweek matches coming up.

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