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Cornwall Football Forum

Harry Redknapp

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While i was down at Sandbanks taking a drive the wife shouted out thats Harry... We pulled in, took the camera with us got my picture taken with him and spoke about football for 3/4minutes, we spoke about Spurs v Liverpool on sunday.

I asked him who do you open up against on the weekend, he said"Only a small team called Liverpool" :D

I asked him if he knows his team yet, and he said"not yet he will decide in the next day or two "

Also i asked him when Bournemouth's transfer embargo gets lifted/relaxed will he send any lads down here on loan, he said"of course i will send a few of the youngsters out"

He is a really nice bloke, glad to of met him one of those guys that most football fans love...

He only popped out for a paper(The sun) :D

How do i add photos on here??? Got me and him as my aviater...


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