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Guest Peppermint

Obviously going to happen - but why oh why can't we get rid of the idiots at the FA - after all they appointed the clown despite the misgivings of most of England fans.

Guest Peppermint

It is beyond belief that at the Press Conference now ongoing the absolute clowns that make up the shambles that is the FA have decided that the bumbling incompetent Brian Barwick [who put McClaren in place] is to oversee the new appointment. PATHETIC - the idiot should have had the decency to resign. 2 million pounds compensation to McClaren because they gave him a four year contract. What could grass roots football do with that!

Guest Peppermint

Too true Mr Chairman. Not a brain or sense between them. How do these totally incompetent people get into these positions. Perhaps we all know why - old boy network, proposed by their various County FA.s etc.

We the followers of English football are powerless to do anything about the endless useless bumblings of these people. No doubt they will all be off for their paid for jaunt to South Africa for the World Cup draw.

Guest Peppermint

If McClaren had any decency he would at least donate his compensation package to a worthwhile charity! This is not going to happen but how can someone who was so incompetent then receive such a pay off for being useless. Then a lot of useless and pathetic directors and bosses in industry and commerce get massive pay offs for bring useless a their particular jobs.

Rant over I had better do some work!!!

Guest Postie Pidge

McLaren was managing the biggest charity after we gifted Croatia the game

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