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Owing to work commitments, Colin Quinn has stood down as 1st Team Manager. We are now looking to recruit a new manager for this position. Colin had put together a young team who showed much promise. Coupled with the facilities we offer, and indeed the proposals for the future, we would look for someone to take the club forward, with the next generation of players. Applicants should contact the secretary, Bella Richards on 01736 756754, in the first instance.

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A sleeping giant I feel....! This is a great opportunity for someone young and with the willingness to being success and coach the youth over a few years, there's plenty of local managers who'd be willing to take this on have the club approached anyone??

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Shame about Colin top bloke , good bunch young lads with the right. Manager/ coach and a couple of tweaks to the team would be a good project and future for hayle combo the set up is as good as any combo clubs around ,any managers interested? I should think there will be a few , the club now needs someone for the long haul

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