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I see Saltash are still parking the bus,1 goal in 3 games hardly league winning form.They must have taken a leaf out of Tavi s book,think both need to get a few strikers.Been very quiet on the forum,about how poor they have been in the last few weeks,bet Tavi wish they were playing them soon.

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I see Saltash are still parking the bus,1 goal in 3 games hardly league winning form.They must have taken a leaf out of Tavi s book,think both need to get a few strikers.Been very quiet on the forum,about how poor they have been in the last few weeks,bet Tavi wish they were playing them soon.

Mr Hump you seem to have an interest in Saltash and ourselves by your recent postings! Our bus went missing at Parkway, if you can let me know where it is i would be most grateful.
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When have Saltash ever claimed to be a league winning team?! Also, bar our first 3 games (conceding 14 goals) we have one of the best defensive records in the league, so not have not just copied tavistock!

Plus quiet on the forum? Have there been many games played recently?

I see Saltash are still parking the bus,1 goal in 3 games hardly league winning form.They must have taken a leaf out of Tavi s book,think both need to get a few strikers.Been very quiet on the forum,about how poor they have been in the last few weeks,bet Tavi wish they were playing them soon.

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Mr Ewing have found your bus,its parked behind Kimberley Stadium,beside the swimming pool. And by the way its Humf not Hump.Also Nahaliday are you Joe Pulley in disguise,cause you sure come out with some rubbish like him,or maybe your brothers ??????????????

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To be honest Oliver, a 0-0 suggests a dull game, but it was a fast paced and highly energetic affair. Both teams threw a lot at each other but there weren't really many clear cut chances. Saltash hit the bar first half and had a couple mid range shots well saved, torpoint forced 2 fantastic saves from our keeper. A draw was fair and I think both teams would have been disappointed with a loss.

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humf, i find you to be very disrespectful. i am joe pulley and no longer saltash manager, coach or anything else. it's a shame idiots like you exist when other people are doing their best to run football teams at local level. One day you'll grow up and decide not to hide, making stupid remarks of whch mean nothing and just try to stir up trouble. oh if i'm out of order and you run a team put hours in and have played professional football then i apologise.

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Sorry guys didn t realise my comments would cause so much upset.Rocco 1212 whats your real name ??????????????.Joe you got to admit you and Naholliday (see i have taken note) do talk some rubbish.All i was doing was finding Tavi s bus and i have,and Joe you can only dream of what i have won you have really done wonders at Gunni and Saltash,if you talk the talk then walk the walk.And Naholliday you were on here a few weeks ago moaning about Tavi playing 1st teamers when u actually played 2 1st teamers against them (hypocrite).Bring it on Fellas.Still waiting to hear from Mr Ewing about the bus,and any other rubbish he has got to talk about.

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sorry humf, i still find it strange you hide behind a name and won't let us know who you are...must be all the fans that'll mob you!!!! i never stated and nor did the current saltash management say they were the best, just trying to do their best. i'm sure you forgot to mention my lucky promotion with elburton the year before.It must be hard to be so amazing and great at everything you do and i wish you a fantastic and successful pro career.

I hope i can secure your signature one day if i return to management or even get a picture with you to show my kids.

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Mr Ewing you are now starting to wind me up i have found Tavi s bus and i wasn t on it (perish the thought)im not anti Tavi or Saltash (and Joe i would nt have known who you were so why would i want you to know who i am)Garf obviously thinks im Humpty Dumpty now (not funny)what i will say is Offside you ok mate have you got the keys of the bus,or if you haven t why do you want us to keep to the subject of the game it was 0 0 dohhhh really exciting best game i have watched all season,anyway Tavi and Saltash won t win the league WE WILL.

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Mr Ewing you are now starting to wind me up i have found Tavi s bus and i wasn t on it (perish the thought)im not anti Tavi or Saltash (and Joe i would nt have known who you were so why would i want you to know who i am)Garf obviously thinks im Humpty Dumpty now (not funny)what i will say is Offside you ok mate have you got the keys of the bus,or if you haven t why do you want us to keep to the subject of the game it was 0 0 dohhhh really exciting best game i have watched all season,anyway Tavi and Saltash won t win the league WE WILL.

We being who exactly?
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Why would you want to know,must admit Tavi got a lot of really good youngsters playing for them whereas the other East Cornwall teams have a lot of old players,what happens when these older players are shot ???? or if Tavi can keep their youngsters,i see Southy pinching a few for his team,maybe time to move on Mr Ewing,there s a few S.W sides could do with your insight ??????????? can think of a few.

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Why would you want to know,must admit Tavi got a lot of really good youngsters playing for them whereas the other East Cornwall teams have a lot of old players,what happens when these older players are shot ???? or if Tavi can keep their youngsters,i see Southy pinching a few for his team,maybe time to move on Mr Ewing,there s a few S.W sides could do with your insight ??????????? can think of a few.

So there is no history in the success of sides rotating between different clubs? Regardless of who plays for who this season, it doesn't guarantee anything for next season. Torpoint first last year, not this year, launceston great last year, struggling this year. This is by no means a dig at torpoint or launceston, both great in their history and tradition, just making the point that the current year doesn't dictate the next.

Anyway, seeings as "Humf" has one so much that everyone else can only dream of, I will stop giving him the attention and the reaction he so craves, but if he deserved the respect he so claimed he will probably come clean with his name. (But find it hard to believe that a current player who "will win the league" has already achieved so much to make others jealous.

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Watched this dull affair and have to say, I would have rather watched paint dry. As for Tavistock getting stick about being defensively orientated on this forum, saltash are worst. NAHoliday, you come onto this forum giving your opinion on games on a regular basis, and the majority of the time give justification to your points. If you think that this was an entertaining game then im going to take your further posts with a pinch of salt. Saltash have no cutting edge, they didn't when we played them earlier in the season and yet again during that game at millbrook brought in first team players. bit hypocritical after recent jibes aimed at Tavi don't you think??? Saltash go side to side, huff and puff and have no creativity in the midfield area. you could have RVP playing up front NAholiday and you still wouldn't score because your supply line to the forwards simply isn't good enough. Defensively, you are excellent, relying heavily on the fact that you don't concede many goals, to scrape results. As for the manager, always moaning all game, giving players and referees so much stick. Dull affair this one, always was going to be.....saltash are involved. Expect a boring game at Kimberly when it gets re-arranged.
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Brendon, did I say it was the most entertaining game? No...I said there were very few chances and both teams defended well, but it wasn't dull. A game is about opinions and stevo said too it wasn't a dull game as 0-0 suggests. You don't have to be a genius to figure out that we don't score as many goals as other teams, but after losing the first 3 fixtures and conceding 14, surely it makes sense to improve the defence? We have done that and, as a result, improved our form in the league. Vs millbrook Brandon we played one first teamers and a young lad that started with us in the per season and has stepped up a few times, same as lots of clubs like liskeard tavi parkway have in their squads. I take it your sudden interest in saltash is a sign that actually, after writing us off earlier in the season and playing you off the park at your place, missing 5 opportunities in the first 15 mins (lack of service up front) and then millbrook scoring the luckiest of goals in the last kick of the game means you are actually recognising that we are team on the up.

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I am associating yourself with Liskeard HUMF?

Brendon, why don't you take note of what swiggsy has asked of you and nip in the bud for the sake of your team and especially Ryan. everyone is entitled to their opinion but to constantly slag off other teams, players and managers are i am sure gonna come back and bite u on the arse.

Ryan has worked wonders down at Millbrook and to have a clown in his camp i am sure will be of no benefit??? Please be constructive and certainly criticise, but why so personal against other teams especially Saltash??

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Watched this dull affair and have to say, I would have rather watched paint dry. As for Tavistock getting stick about being defensively orientated on this forum, saltash are worst. NAHoliday, you come onto this forum giving your opinion on games on a regular basis, and the majority of the time give justification to your points. If you think that this was an entertaining game then im going to take your further posts with a pinch of salt. Saltash have no cutting edge, they didn't when we played them earlier in the season and yet again during that game at millbrook brought in first team players. bit hypocritical after recent jibes aimed at Tavi don't you think??? Saltash go side to side, huff and puff and have no creativity in the midfield area. you could have RVP playing up front NAholiday and you still wouldn't score because your supply line to the forwards simply isn't good enough. Defensively, you are excellent, relying heavily on the fact that you don't concede many goals, to scrape results. As for the manager, always moaning all game, giving players and referees so much stick. Dull affair this one, always was going to be.....saltash are involved. Expect a boring game at Kimberly when it gets re-arranged.

Hey Brendon, reffed Saltash many times and Stuart has always been a perfect manager, not once has he been given me any stick or to that point nor has any of his players, as they say "It comes from the top" lead by example and that is from the manager

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