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Trelawny League Charter Status

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A word of warning to all clubs who havent completed their charter clubs status forms......Scoobys on the warpath. Obviously being the keen and professional club secretary I am I put my form in the "Will get round to it before the AGM in June if i can be arsed tray"........Big Mistake!!!!!

Thinking I would be safe sitting on a ship in a far flung hot and sunny place (28 degrees today) near a coast with lots of sand obviously I'm confident theirs no chance of a Scooby Doo rebrief....Wrong!!!! Like a Bloodhound he's hunted me down and just jumped out of a helicopter on the deck and whats the first words he says to me? Not "Alright mate good to see you fancy a beer?" No!!! It's "Oi you horses arse wheres your form for charter status your top of my shit list!!!" Great!

So word of warning to all secretaries, I'm writing this from the naughty step and if you dont want to join me might be best to complete it :-)

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