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Is it a UFO?


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I bet the place would still have more atmosphere than your corporate ground!

Arsenals ground is everything I hate about new stadium.

Corporate tier that empties 5 mins before half time and fills up 5 mins after half time

Stands too far from the field of play

Cushions on seats!!! what the hell do you want them for?

No atmosphere, everything is lost

Outside the ground is terrible, concourse of absolute nothing, no character to the place

To be fair though, White Hart Lane is in an absolute terrible location at the moment, but least you get that feeling of walking to the ground in amongst a throng of other supporters!

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I'm sorry, but this design looks seriously like a UFO!

Perhaps Redknapp's a Martian after all!

LOL! :lol::lol::lol:


Why so interested in Spurs lately?. Are you interested in our stadium so much because when there is another property boom you will sell off Ashburton Grove to developers (again) remember (Woolwich, Highbury)

You will probably move to an all purpose stadium near Dubai with a dog track around it.

Adios cesc :c:

Trust me, our new stadium WILL be aesthetically more pleasing that yours, better for the local community than yours (I know you're not too sure what LOCAL is but bare with me here), WILL have a vastly better atmosphere than yours, WON'T limit us financially for year after year like yours..

The pictures in the links PROVE my first 3 statements, the rest will be proven around 2012..



That single tier stand at one end of the stadium IS going to be magnificent 63 rows of seats to help create what it hopes will be the most atmospheric stadium in Europe.

See Gooners. Spurs is a club that considers the community and what the supporters want. We see them as EVERYTHING that is important to the club, not just some sort of "cash cow" that's there to line the pockets of corporate idiots..

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