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Emirates Cup

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People pulling out of a chance to see this wonderful football team,playing the super game with style.

Cant understand it.

Maybe people are starting to see through this large cover over the truth.

The Goons are falling apart.

Lets hope you can win the Emirates Cup,at least its a trophy.

:yahoo::yahoo: :yahoo:

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Ahhhh the love between London clubs, You just have to love it dont you :D:D:D:D

midfield & somersetspur if this is how you act during pre season i cannot wait for the premiership to start

I guess this is pre season banter then, Just getting some practice in before the real football season starts :D

The fact is that what gets right up the Spouting Spuds nose is that for all the millions they waste on players - and by Christ they do waste some - they still cannot get any closer to us. He seethes with jealousy before the start of every season as we get talked about as title challengers and they don't even rate a mention. He hates it and I enjoy it!

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Ahhhh the love between London clubs, You just have to love it dont you :D:D:D:D

midfield & somersetspur if this is how you act during pre season i cannot wait for the premiership to start

I guess this is pre season banter then, Just getting some practice in before the real football season starts :D

These two are so,so funny.If Badiel and Skinner can make a footy programme,so could these two,there banter is priceless :clapper::clapper: :clapper:

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Midfield,you little blinkered red nosed Gooner.

You say im jealous because your pile of manure are always talked about as Premiership title


Looking at your record over the last FOUR season's[TROPHY LESS].

I would suggest talk is cheap.

As for T.V. WITH YOU.I would'nt mind at all.It would just show who talks sense and who talk shit.

Now Im going to wait for the predictable response.

:thumbsup::clapper::thumbsup: :clapper:

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Midfield,you little blinkered red nosed Gooner.

You say im jealous because your pile of manure are always talked about as Premiership title


Looking at your record over the last FOUR season's[TROPHY LESS].

I would suggest talk is cheap.

As for T.V. WITH YOU.I would'nt mind at all.It would just show who talks sense and who talk shit.

Now Im going to wait for the predictable response.


Nothing if not predictable - you that is! :lol::lol: :lol:

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Ahhhh the love between London clubs, You just have to love it dont you :D:D:D:D

midfield & somersetspur if this is how you act during pre season i cannot wait for the premiership to start

I guess this is pre season banter then, Just getting some practice in before the real football season starts :D

These two are so,so funny.If Badiel and Skinner can make a footy programme,so could these two,there banter is priceless :clapper::clapper::clapper:

Im not so sure about Baddiel and Skinner but do you remember Baddiel with Rob Newman doing their "History Today" sketches? Thats you that is...


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Guest The Judge aka RED OR DEAD

The fact is that what gets right up the Spouting Spuds nose is that for all the millions they waste on players - and by Christ they do waste some - they still cannot get any closer to us. He seethes with jealousy before the start of every season as we get talked about as title challengers and they don't even rate a mention. He hates it and I enjoy it!

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The Goons win the Trophy,they win every year.The Emirates Cup.

This is the Trophy the goons created for themselves.WHY.?SIMPLE.

Its all down to finance.The money is needed to pay almost £100 MILLION A YEAR,in loans +intrest for the


Now if you know anything about football[Midfield excluded].

The Cup Spurs won was the Barclays Asian Cup,which is an official competition which is run by the Premier

League,in which you have to QUALIFY.

We beat Hull City 3-0 in the Final.[Who beat Arsenal and Spurs last season].

This competition has been running for 6 years now and is a trial for the famous 39th game the Premier

league is so desperate to introduce.

So in my eyes a far more important trophy.

A little bit of education for the school teaching Gooner.

:yahoo::yahoo::yahoo: :yahoo:

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Guest The Judge aka RED OR DEAD

... and despite the banter and hype, neither will be anywhere near Chelsea, Scousers and Mancs this season !

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Guest The Judge aka RED OR DEAD

Gives them something to do as they cannot go on about how wonderful their respective sides are !

Keep up your little N5 v N17 little London League banter, no one else is worried about you.

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Or almost get relegated... <_<

lol-Ace comment

cant help but laugh at people who support the Scum of the Earth!!

to qualify for that Asia cup you have to go down with food poisning and lose out on 4th place the next day, blame it on a set up by Arsenal to cover up the fact your a s**t team, then spend a fortune on crap players, sell them then buy them back for more!! pay rubbish managers over the odds to almost get you relegated and then finish 7th/8th and be delighted about youre season(cant remember where you finished-dont normally have to look further than 4th!!!) and win a resreve cup oops silly me Carling Cup i think you must be the only team to always play a full strength team and claim youve won more major silverware than Arsenal have!! lol-one word for you scum fans!


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snap snap snap!!!!!

ouch snappin like a crocodile-truth hurts ay! lol

stop bitin somersetspur!

good news tho youre selling chimbonda for 2mil!!! but im sure he'l return in jan for about £4mil!! lol

the spurs transfer saga is pure comedy value!!!

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You sad ,sad deluded person.

If only you realise,what a big idiot you make yourself look.

What on earth is that all about.

Good job,Celtic,Tottenham and Aston Villa supporters got some sense,or else this page would be full of


Suppose when you have won NOTHING for 4 years it feels like a major success.

You really do drive me away from this Forum.

Any sensiable football supporters out there,wishing for a nice debate,without this Charlie.

Deary me.Pitiful.

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