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Observations from Lanson 3 Truro City Res 2

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This isn't a match report per se, more some observations from last night's game.  Firstly, it was so refreshing, to see a lovely flowing game between two young sides. Neil Price is fashioning a very watchable and fast improving side. Pace, energy, on the front foot and a team ethic evident. Now, Dan Hart took Lanson into a mid-table finish by being well-organised and grinding out results. Neil Price has lifted the Clarets to a mid-table finish with mostly young lads who look to get on the front foot, keep a good shape, display lots of energy and enthusiasm, whilst mixing it up with a mix of short quick passing with the occasional long ball. To achieve this so quickly, with no previous knowledge or contacts in the Cornish game, says much for the manager.  This is Manager of the Year quality for me, not getting the much better  resourced and experienced Liskeard and St Austell as the top two!

For all the praise for Price and the youngsters, what quality at 38 Andy Watkins still has. The best player on the park last night by a country mile. His positioning, ability to read the game, his ease in turning a defender,  all fantastic to watch. During the game too, his guiding of the young Clarets was first class. What a role model! What a fantastic player (still) to watch.  The 3rd Lanson goal, a peach of a cross from Lewis Young was met with a super hanging leap and emphatic finish with his head by Watto. Sumptuous stuff.

3-2 flattered City. The second goal late on, a super lobbed finish by Fin Harrison (IIRC) set up an exciting final few minutes. Overall, a great showcase of young talent and a fine advert for SWPL-W football. Well done Lanson and the young White Tigers (and the evergreen Jamie Lowry).


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On 17/04/2024 at 11:59, Both Sides of the Tamar said:

This isn't a match report per se, more some observations from last night's game.  Firstly, it was so refreshing, to see a lovely flowing game between two young sides. Neil Price is fashioning a very watchable and fast improving side. Pace, energy, on the front foot and a team ethic evident. Now, Dan Hart took Lanson into a mid-table finish by being well-organised and grinding out results. Neil Price has lifted the Clarets to a mid-table finish with mostly young lads who look to get on the front foot, keep a good shape, display lots of energy and enthusiasm, whilst mixing it up with a mix of short quick passing with the occasional long ball. To achieve this so quickly, with no previous knowledge or contacts in the Cornish game, says much for the manager.  This is Manager of the Year quality for me, not getting the much better  resourced and experienced Liskeard and St Austell as the top two!

For all the praise for Price and the youngsters, what quality at 38 Andy Watkins still has. The best player on the park last night by a country mile. His positioning, ability to read the game, his ease in turning a defender,  all fantastic to watch. During the game too, his guiding of the young Clarets was first class. What a role model! What a fantastic player (still) to watch.  The 3rd Lanson goal, a peach of a cross from Lewis Young was met with a super hanging leap and emphatic finish with his head by Watto. Sumptuous stuff.

3-2 flattered City. The second goal late on, a super lobbed finish by Fin Harrison (IIRC) set up an exciting final few minutes. Overall, a great showcase of young talent and a fine advert for SWPL-W football. Well done Lanson and the young White Tigers (and the evergreen Jamie Lowry).


Neil Price is doing a superb job at Launceston. He's come in with no prior knowledge and experience of the scene, and has been a breath of fresh air in Cornish football. Always enjoy hearing him talk on the CS Podcast.

Can imagine that step 4 and 5 clubs are already looking at some of the Lanson players although, judging by what Mr Price has said previously, if they are moving on to better themselves with clubs higher up the pyramid, he'll wish them nothing but luck.

On a Truro note, would be interested to hear what people's thoughts are on their young striker Fin Harrison. A few years ago he was rated by Dane Bunney as the next star forward in Cornish football when he signed for Saltash, is he progressing to that sort of level? 

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