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Trelawny League fixtures

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Does anyone know when the league fixtures will be updated in Trelawny Division 4? Is this for the league or the clubs to arrange? 

Newbridge Athletic are currently playing both Ruan Minor (away) and Madron (home) this Saturday, at the same time. With there being a huge difference in travel time for these two games knowing which fixture will go ahead in good time is important as it will determine how many players can actually play, due to evening work commitments etc.

I imagine both Ruan Minor and Madron would also like a heads up for their weekend plans at this stage, too, as it's only 3 days away. 

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38 minutes ago, Mr Mo said:

Madron (home) was originally scheduled for the 22/04/17. I can't see any Trelawny Division 4 fixtures scheduled for the 28/04/17 on the link? I think that's a Friday. Hopefully, the league will confirm at some point today! I can see other postponed fixtures are now starting to be added for next week (midweek).


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