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Really...? I can't seem to see this rule anywhere?


so all the registered referees that pay their association fees, keep in date CRB and safeguarding children are doing this needlessly when all you need to do is ensure both teams are happy to have you and just crack on? 


Would be be very interesting to know if this is actually just a legacy ruling which people are under the impression is 'a rule', if something untowards was to happen at a game officiated by these 'volunteers' the fall out could be potentially catastrophic!!!!

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As with all rules, clarification can be found from the league committee. I think this is only in the case of there not being an officially appointed referee and the fact that both teams would have to agree means that it won't just be a random guy walking up the street. There are a number of qualified referee's who are not on the active list, but don't mind doing the odd game, as well as there are a few club officials who will referee the game rather than have a postponement. 

Over the last couple of season we have had a few instances of this but it does help with the referee shortage. 

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