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Rowett Insurance League Cup semi-final

Plymstock United 0 Torpoint Athletic 2

Division One

Holsworthy 1 Bodmin Town 4

Wadebridge Town 2 Camelford 0

Edited by ECPL.
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Sorry was only tongue in cheek after events during the day. All credit to Plymstock they managed to disrupte the usual Torpoint rhythm. 

Just want to mention how well I thought the ref controlled a very scrappy game. If the players concentrated on their jobs rather then contesting every decision im sure the game would of been higher quality. Torpoint did well to rise above it 

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first of all Torpoint cancel the original fixture, due to the fact that they had 4 players in Cheltenham. Plymstock then make it known that last nights fixture, they had 4 regular second team players missing, yet the league won't reschedule the game. One rule for one club, another rule for the other there surely?

The league then turn around as a sweetner and tell Plymstock they can draught in who they want, and they don't have to have played league games in the past. then on the day of the game, Torpoint moan about this, and 3 players who were due to play, were then told, they werent allowed to play. An absolute farce from the minute this fixture was released.

As for the game last night, Plymstock clearly had the better chances, at least 6 clear cut chances, but couldn't convert. Torpoint had 3 good chances, and Stacey converted two of them. If he had been playing for Plymstock, the result would have been different.

As for the referee, Martin Smith, i have to disagree with Frankie, i thought he had a very very bad game, to say the least. Tom Payne should have been sent off at 0-0, which then changes the game. To add to that Kearny for Plymstock put an absolutely discusting challenge in, in the last five minutes, which was a straight red card, all night long. But the referee booked both players for these challenges. "The Lynx Effect", i see you on this forum week after week, looking for praise from players, making certain comments on how you didnt issue a single card etc etc, trying to gain a reputation, but last-night, your performance was not up to the standard expected in this league. from the sidelines, it was embarassing to watch, as you seemed to give every decision Torpoints way, and made the game about you, which was a shame, as it was a close encounter.

Good luck to Torpoint in the Final, and for Tavistocks sake, i hope the referee is Martin Smith, as if it is, they will be up against it from the off!!!!

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Watched last night as a neutral and fully expected Torpoint to roll over Plymstock as I have seen a fair bit of both sides this season . Plymstock were unrecognisable from some of their earlier performances in the season so fair play to them. Torpoint weren't at the races but battled hard. Wasn't a good game to watch as it was very scrappy Torpoint were dragged into a dog fight. I'm sure they are delighted though and it's just a shame Plymstock didn't focus on themselves rather then the ref as it was a great opportunity for them to reach a final. One players of that quality might not get again.

As for the refs performance I thought it was fairly good. It's not easy when you get shouted at for every decision. Got all the big ones right and stood up to the bully boy tactics of the Plymstock management and subs who sadly spent the game stood up berating the match official rather then trying to say something constructive 

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lets put you right on a few things shall we

firstly i dont go looking for praise on here from anyone as to try to get a reputation never

the game was scrappy second half

you are a player for plymstock and i know who you are because you made it clear last night about this forum to me on the pitch short memory loss from you..

as to be not to the standard of this league  well let me tell you something

we are mark by every club every week. and if our marks are not good enough then we dont referee on this league.

so i am doing something right.

you got that taste in your mouth..SOUR GRAPES.


4 yellows and no reds. not everything should be a card ..as to the tackle last min..yellow all day long  IN MY EYES and that is what matters

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Well said Smithy ?

Brain Stacey got kicked all over the park last night!! I known Brain gives as good as he takes and he's still a top quality player for Torpoint and has been for a number of years,I heard some Plymstock staff/players giving Stace some stick while walking off after the game but Stace had the last laugh by getting both goals,legend

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Bearded warrior. Torpoint did not postpone the fixture due to 4 players being in Cheltenham, they requested 2 weeks notice due to shift work. Plymstock claimed to be short on numbers yet were able to name the maximum amount of 5 subs. I think they pulled a fast one on the league there. On the game itself it wasn't the most enjoyable to watch due to the Plymstock management and bench constantly arguing with the referee and wanting to fight people at any opportunity. The first goal was always going to be crucial and Plymstock had enough chances to get that goal but once Torpoint scored Plymstock just got worse and the score line could have been more. Credit to the ref on his patience last night. There's always someone who will disagree with your decisions but no one deserves that amount of abuse. I'd be interested to see the reaction if referees decided to start shouting at players if they thought their performance was poor 

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I can assure you i'm not a player, although i wish i could still play. Bottom line is, you clearly got crucial decisions wrong, at key times during the game, which is totally understandable, as like everyone else, your human. It would be nice for you to come on here now and again though, and admit, publicly, that you made mistakes. I know that you get marked, and im sure you will recieve your mark for last-night from plymstock, which reflects how we thought you performed.

I think even Frankie would agree that Kearnys tackle warranted a red, and the only reason you didnt send him off was due to the fact you let the earlier Payne tackle go. Two wrongs don't make a right.

Brian Stacey is first class, and like i said in my previous post, he was the difference between the two sides last night. He likes to get into peoples heads, and lets be honest, it works. Fair play to Torpoint, they did what they had to do, and benefitted from some decisions that you made, which were baffling.

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As plymstock manager all I can say is we had a big desire to win the game and of course we disagree with some decisions and I'm pretty sure Deano and guy disagreed with some decisions to that's football. I know martin well and he knows there was no malice in anything said last night and was just born out of frustration with losing a massive game for out club. If anyone was offended or think I was over the top I can only apologise but again it was only out of a desire to win. 

I've known Brian and been a close friend of his for over 20 years now and I walked off the pitch with him at the end and he seemed more than happy to me and was quite happily laughing and joking so I'm sure he's fine. He loves big games like that and unfortunately for us it brings the best out of him and for me he was the difference between the 2 sides. There is no sour grapes here just disappointment and again we wish torpoint all the best in the final

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