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Truro's Football Facilities

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I'm not talking about the main Truro City FC here and their facilities.

What I would like to know is what people think of the facilities available within Truro to be able to play men's football. Is it adequate? Are there enough pitches? Does the local council need to think more about the facilities they are providing?

I would like opinions/thoughts from both teams that use the facilities that Truro offer and those from teams that have to come and play against teams based here.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Excellent point.

Unsure how planners etc can allow the massive expansion of the city in terms of properties and populous, and not comprehend the overall impact on demand. If you think in supermarket terms - there were a few mini-markets in the city centre and Tesco on pydar, but over the years we have had to build more and more to accommodate the people ( have you seen Eastern Green at Penzance recently?). I hear that Threemilestone pitch is no longer usable, so where on earth are people meant to enjoy recreational sport etc? I suppose we are lucky we are not facing an obesity and diabetes epidemic…………….

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That's exactly my point, Truro is set for 1200 homes at Langarth, there's the 230 at the old Richard Lander site, another 500 on Green lane, then 200 at the farm on Morlaix Avenue, all the houses in the valley at the north of the city, There's then a new proposal for 380 houses to go in behind Richard Lander and the back of Newbridge Lane, plus the possible housing along the A390 from McDonalds up to the park and ride. That's a lot of extra housing and what plans are there for recreational ground. Nothing.

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I totally agree Monty, Malpas is fine for cricket but not truro's answer to winter sports no matter how much they improve the facilities, they need a set up similar to Clijah. Seems to be plenty of talk from various party's on the Stadium for a privileged few, but very little talk of supplying facilities for grass roots football.

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Totally agree, you've got to look at other set ups as well. Wendron, yeah their pitches may not be the best but theyre in the middle of no where, Falmouth, Newquay, Why is Truro so behind the times with grassroots football. Are they hoping to continually buy in players for 'THE' Truro City team?

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Have you thought about talking to the council. I know it sounds obvious but you never know what they may suggest. they have a budget to provide sport to the community.

There is an election next year so get in touch with either your MP or one of the other candidates to cause a reaction, after all there is this so called tidal wave from the London Olympics that we keep hearing about.

You could also get in touch with the media and get them on side they love a community story but if I was you I would get other clubs involved as well. From experience you have to go looking it will not come to you, good luck.

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Have already held a meeting with both the town council and county council. It seems to be there is some miss communication between both town and county council. There is a small plot of land, however would only have enough space for a single pitch. Think the main problem in Truro is there is no space big enough to provide football facilities at grassroot level as it's all being built on.

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