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Season finished by July at this rate?!?!?

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so if one of your players gets injured badly,would it be on your responsibility or the refs.

there was a game played on saturday that was reported on hear and they said "should never have been played" dambed if you do and dambed if you don't.

who would be a ref and take all that responsability oh!! and even more flack.

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1 spot of rain on a Saturday and it gets called off its pathetic!! Middle of March and my teams only played 13 games great that is means midweek games where players can't make due to a light spot of rain where most of the time pitches are playable!!!! Man up or don't bother because it ruins it for others!

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Its ok people moaning about games being off... its usually the ones that dont have anything to do with or have no idea about how long and how much work it takes to get the pitches back right after they are cut up to hell! And the same people that moan on here how the pitches are bobbly when the ground is hard after pitches are cut up to hell, and believe me it causes nasty injuries, leg breaks, ankle breaks etc... so man up when your off work for 6 weeks unable to pay the mortgage etc... due to a busted leg or ankle, arm or wrist, or some kind of joint disslocation, which i hope no one has to deal with in any situation. These injuries also occur during games played in extreme wet conditions.

And also 10 years ago we were playing Tuesdays, Thursdays Saturdays and sometimes Sundays to get games palyed... everyone is getting sick of hearing the same moan from the same moaners.

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I agree with Big Ern, its always the select few who moan, yet if you knew what goes on behind the scenes at some clubs and the work that goes into maintaining and making sure the pitch is always playable, It's better to have a game called off, than to have players with serious injuries.

As for your reply Only1number9, your profanity and obvious lack of intelligence has no place in this forum, either respect other people or just don't bother posting.

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You're boring meeeeee

Bored? It rained quite abit, and you did start the topic and I guess you dont like what was said in reply? Unlucky, go pick your toys up and place them nicely back in the cot! Hopefully there will be some nice weather for all of us come saturday and thankyou to all the hard working groundsmen out there!

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Lets just hope only1number9 never has to see or even has to go through a nasty injury caused by a cut up football pitch because its not great.

And also lets hope for a improvement in the damn right disrespectful comments posted by only1number9... seems to be the usual at the moment... there is a couple old sayings "think before you speak", "put your brain into action before your mouth" and "little boys should be seen but not heard"

But then I suppose for the first two sayings you have to have a brain first!?!

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Well done " Big Ern " Key board warrior!!! You lot make me laugh how serious you are hahahaaa it's flipping duchy football were not the premier league so bleady play the game even if there's a spot of rain your making out injuries will definitely happen just as much chance of an injury occurring on a dry pitch than on a wet pitch!!! Your views are making me laugh

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problem is if pitch is cut up for instance and you play and its worsened you may have completed 1 game but face to miss next couple while pitches repair! especially if got a few sides or share a ground, more than likely you probably have never had a injury, or maybe not a family you have to go to work to provide for we play football for fun and all time its played theres risks however a wet dangerous pitch makes it hazardous and most cant afford get seriously injured and miss time off work, people have things to pay for and families to look after! a game off better than 6 weeks out of work

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Here, here stokefan1, it just seems that only1number9 cant take this on board!? And he thinks everyone else's opinion is a dig at him?!?.

We all want to play on a Saturday and yes dry conditions cause injuries when the ground is hard, and with divots which is 99.9% of the time caused by playing on wet surfaces in the winter and the pitch not recovering for whatever reason?!? And this year has been wetter then ever.

The only person to make us all laugh on here is you only1number9 with your small minded attitude, you don't wind up anyone but yourself.

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BIg Ern,

can you drop me a text or a message on here about a midweek game next week? we have the pitch at Poltair available with floodlights etc and we would love to play a competative match. We only have 2 home league games left and you are one of them.

Can you give me a text on 07970472383 or send me a message on here please?


Chris Knight

AFC St Austell

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im not taking sides here but iv only touch wood got a bad injury playing on what was considered a very nice pitch at the start of a season when conditions was at there best. played down on perranporths main pitch so with the standard they play at the pitch was a hell of a lot better than ur ave div 5 pitch i can c where the yeti is coming from games shudnt b called off if its a bit of surface water and the pitch is firm but on the flip if it look to just be surface water with players running on it that after an hr could sofen up like a mud bath then u got the old dilemia of 60 mins play n its un safe n u got 2 teams 1 is 2.1 in a close game and the ref blows n get re-played n the winning side loses 2.1 then its the refs that get it again its a no win for the refs and just remember if it wasnt for the ref giving up his saturday for us..... what wud we do? go shopping with the missus that i saw thank u mr ref for ur services

Lets just hope only1number9 never has to see or even has to go through a nasty injury caused by a cut up football pitch because its not great.

And also lets hope for a improvement in the damn right disrespectful comments posted by only1number9... seems to be the usual at the moment... there is a couple old sayings "think before you speak", "put your brain into action before your mouth" and "little boys should be seen but not heard"

But then I suppose for the first two sayings you have to have a brain first!?!

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