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I have a question I would like to put to admin and members of the forum

I have noticed that there is a rise in the amount of personal advertising going on either through member’s signatures or good old fashioned links to eBay and this gave me an idea to help not only the people advertising but also the forum as a whole

I use other forums like most people (Not just football) and those forums have for sale sections where people can advertise either what they have for sale or what they are after but there is nothing on this forum which is why people advertise through their signatures or direct links in there posts

What I was thinking was that would it either be possible to set up an extra section in which paid up members could advertise either items for sale or there businesses or if this is not possible (Proberly a lot of work but I do not know how this side of things work) then maybe it would be possible to get people to donate to the forum (There is a button at the bottom of the main page) and in return they get to use the personal signature which is free at the moment to advertise either items for sale or businesses

Now I make take some stick for suggesting this and maybe it has been talked about before but here is the reason I thought about it

A lot of us use this forum on a daily basis and im glad to say it is all free but spare a thought for the people who put in all the hard work that enables us to use this forum like we do because it is there spare time and effort that keeps this forum going

As most members will know there was a football match involving forum members and admin which I am led to believe was a big success, If people paid to advertise then maybe some of the monies raised could go towards an annual event where the forum could have maybe on or more games per season, this is just an example but maybe the monies raised through paid advertising members could go towards the upkeep of the forum (It must cost something to keep this place running)

Anyway it is just a thought and one that could benefit not just admin and members but the forum as a whole

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