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Random snippets from 1964/65


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Wadebridge Town were refused permission to have their name engraved on the Cornwall Charity Cup. The reason...it would take up too much space!

Calstock asked the CCFA to grant them full senior status. The CCFA replied that nothing could be done this year. I don't know what defined a Senior club but Calstock were almost permanently in the preliminary qualifying round of the Senior Cup. A mention that their gate receipts were only £40 (plus a few shillings and pence)

International referee and trainer Jack Kelly gave a talk to referees at St Austell. A few bits I thought were interesting, he felt a player standing over the ball at a free kick, preventing it from being taken early should be booked for ungentlemanly conduct.

Referees themselves had to take responsibility to gain respect from players. This includes saying please when asking for the players name when booking him.

He wanted a better clarification on what was a caution and what was a booking.

A player who commits and offence twice should be warned, three times should result in a booking and four times means being sent off.

I don't know if any of those apply but that was Jack Kelly's view in September 1964.

On 20/05/65, St Minver played host to St Lawrence's Hospital and Wadebridge based referee Lewis Bate was involved in a collision with a player. He soldiered on until half time when St Minver official Reg Wills took over the whistle. Lewis went to hospital where it was found he had fractured his jaw. St Lawrence's won the game 6-1.

In their short stint in the Combination League, Camborne School Of Mines' reason for withdrawing was that they struggled to raise a team of a standard to merit the league. They dabbled in the foreign market and in the 1964/65 alumni there were 12 students from Zambia. The goalkeeper was referred to as African, presumably Zambian. His name was Kokoroko.

South Western League teams hit 13 goals in four different games. Falmouth Town beat Penzance 13-0 at Penlee Park in the League Cup, Torpoint Athletic beat Bugle 13-1, also in the League Cup. Bugle were walloped 13-0 at Home Park against Plymouth Argyle 'A' a few weeks later and in January 1965, Bude will remember their first visit to Bickland Park. A gale blew, it rained non stop and they lost 13-1 to the home team. In two Senior Cup games, Falmouth scored 23 goals, having dispatched Looe 10-0 in the previous round.

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On 20/05/65, St Minver played host to St Lawrence's Hospital and Wadebridge based referee Lewis Bate was involved in a collision with a player. He soldiered on until half time when St Minver official Reg Wills took over the whistle. Lewis went to hospital where it was found he had fractured his jaw. St Lawrence's won the game 6-1.

They say the best referees are the ones you don't see.....

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