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Arthur Pearce Final

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West Cornwall Res 1-3 Helston 3rds

Congratulations to Helston on winning the cup from all at West Cornwall

We never got going in what was a pretty poor match, Helston went in 1 nil up from a set piece, we equalised just after half time but lost a goal within 5 mins, another set piece, the third was an own goal.

Gutted for my players, really good achievement for the club to get to the final but once you get a final you have to turn up and we didn't.

On to the next game.

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Congratulations to Rob Price, Charlie Conway and the Helston 3rd XI squad on a well deserved cup win. Not a case of 'you do what you want' but one of brushing yourself down following defeat, remaining focused as a squad and demonstrating Helston Athletic Football Club's hunger for yet ongoing and future success. Well done boys!!

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So proud of my lads today. ..all 16 involved. ..Some big performances. .Gemmell Milis, Fraser Paterson, Matt Beecher... Dug in got the result...defensively sound. Buzzing! !. West Cornwall never gave up and were gracious in defeat. COYB!

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