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LC Phoenix 1 Gunnislake 0

Firstly, thanks to Stoke Climsland and Lester for making this fixture happen. The college pitches remain a problem, mostly due to the deluge this weekend, and Lester Colwill deserves a mention for enabling this fixture to go ahead.

Phoenix were clearly suffering from the exertions of their clash with Saint Minver from the previous day to establish a regular tempo that suited them. Skipper Nathan Cox scored in the first half from a Phoenix corner, but Gunnislake didn't go without their chances too. Both goalkeepers were reasonably busy, though Phoenix profligacy made this a closer match than perhaps it should have been.

That said, Launceston College Phoenix find themselves in the semi-finals of the Launceston Cup and look forward to an intense six or seven weeks as this fascinating season enters its final stages.

The White Hart Hotel Man of the Match Award: Dan Braunton- a welcome return for the Phoenix midfielder who showed his deftness of touch many times this afternoon.

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