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  1. Yeah that is true, the 'punch' rumours are ridiculous and couldn't be further from the truth. The rest is all pretty funny though.
  2. Nothing like a bit of banter to get through the working day.
  3. If the falmouth keeper was as quick off his line as your wit, the forum may not be in such a mess :lol:
  4. Just take a look back through all my comments and tell me in which ones i said Ludgvan were the better side?? The only one that may have got your little brian thinking this is when i said "pretty much all of it", but the 'pretty much' implies i agreed with some of it. And after all Falmouth did have 12 players to Ludgvans 9 what do you agree and disagree with then?? and the ref wasn't favouring any team, if they listened to what he said at the beginning and respected him, then they wouldnt have been shown the red cards. and if you disagree with the fact albion dominated, why was there no clear cut chances or any shots towards the goalie (who was the centreback) I agree Falmouth looked the better side, in the second half, but until your goalie went off and the ref gave the second ridiculous penalty and sending off Ludgvan were the better side. Falmouth scored their first goal from a keeping error, second and third from wrongly given penalties and other than that had no shots until the second half. I don't agree with 'i wouldn't call it an off day'. I mean if that was him on his day, then my god what will he be like on an off day?? The ref ruined what could have been a really good game!!
  5. Just take a look back through all my comments and tell me in which ones i said Ludgvan were the better side?? The only one that may have got your little brian thinking this is when i said "pretty much all of it", but the 'pretty much' implies i agreed with some of it. And after all Falmouth did have 12 players to Ludgvans 9 ^_^
  6. i wouldnt say he had an off day, there were just a few soft decisions given out - to both teams. the red cards were given out after a lot of swearing and back chat to the ref, something he said before the game he wouldnt tolerate. and albion dominated most the game and deserved the win REALLY??? Come on now. what do you mean really?? what would you disagree to in that? Pretty much all of it.
  7. i wouldnt say he had an off day, there were just a few soft decisions given out - to both teams. the red cards were given out after a lot of swearing and back chat to the ref, something he said before the game he wouldnt tolerate. and albion dominated most the game and deserved the win REALLY??? Come on now.
  8. Well you obviously didn't know everyone if you don't know me??
  9. you're you mean. And no, just enjoy watching local football.
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