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Glad to say that the game was excellently Reffed by Mike Carter who interacted with the players explained his decisions and had a laugh a refreshing change... As for Goonwatch, no yellows 1 swear word and a well deserved 3 points. Alot has been said about these players over the last two weeks without them being able to defend themselves, and it is great credit that they pulled out a result against an inform Foxhole team, I'm sure Darrin will not disagree, I await his report.....................

Just to keep you updated the four players that were booked, their bookings will stand. There are 3 other charges

1. Failure to control players

2. Someone saying to the Ref " your a f_ _ _ _ _ g disgrace" :SM_carton: (Ref's report) as he left the field (No card shown)

3. Someone slamming his door

As you can see the headlines in the paper were over the top and does that really warrant an abandonment ?? He also mentions in his report that it was "both sides for the first 20 minutes"

Thanks also to the 6 Clubs who have contacted us to give their support.

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