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I’m a 16 year old, living in Falmouth and I’m looking to join an adults team for the upcoming season. I am going off to college under Plymouth Argyle post 16 Scolarship and I want to get some minutes for a Saturday or Sunday league club to improve my footballing ability and boost my football career.

If people could give me suggestions about a club to join that would be great. Mum can only drive pretty close anyway so it would have to be a short distance.

name: Joshua Craven

Age: 16

positions: RB RWB RM CM

If you want to contact me, you can message me on Facebook where my name is Joshua Craven.


thank you!

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Josh, why don’t you go and train with Falmouth Town and find the level you’re at. Some of your former school mates are already there. There are also other great clubs in the area that I’m sure would welcome you that are a stone’s throw away and wouldn’t put your mum out too much getting you there. Someone would probably give you a lift once they know you. 

Good luck!  

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