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Someone obviously doesn't know his history. Try looking at this. Its quite fascinating.


'Aparantly recent DNA surveys have shown that the whole of the Southwest is predominantly populated by the descendents of the (Celtic) Ancient Britons'

So we are all happy Celts together. Aren't we?


Its probably a good thing that this has been introduced probably instead of the Home internationals As the idiots who could and probably would cause trouble at these games will now not get the chance to, thus not hindering Englands chances of playing in the 2010 World Cup Finals


I know its going off the subject a bit but it makes you wonder what the hacks will write about in the summer. Can anyone say if England's cricket team are at home this summer If so it will be interesting to see what unwanted football yobs they pick up.

Guest TruroLad

this is the dumbest thing i have ever heard of, no players in cornwall are anywhere near a good enough standard to play in this cup, the only amazing cornish player is matthew etherington.


sorry . . .won't belabor the point, but . . .

1) Having inferior quality players doesn't stop Andorra, San Marino, or the Faroe Islands from competing in Europe; and

2) I was kidding.

:drink: :c:


Why joke.

1. The Government has officially agreed that Cornish is the 6th official langue in the UK (the 7th should be BSL - Brithish Sign Language but they won't agree it yet)

2. We will soon have a Countywide Authority which will have more local control (a step in the right direction towards a Cornish Parliment, hence I'm for it)

Put 1 and 2 together and think 10 years from now. Will Cornwall have some devolved power like Wales? If so can we be called a separate Nation?

Cornwall takes part in the Celtic games so why not some form of Internation Football Competition?

Guest TruroLad

erm, beacause the players are not good enough, there is no stadium for games to be hosted and the CCFA do not have enough money.

Guest danny-efc-pafc

cornwall is not a country fgs i hate people who like to think its a country, theyre a county not country!!!


Why do we need a big stadium?

Guess how many were at the Andorra v Russia game the other night. Just over 500. Iceland get 1500.

We have grounds in Cornwall that will hold 3-5000. Pz had 4500 when we played Wimbledon, 2500 when we played Leicster.


Why do we need a big stadium?

Guess how many were at the Andorra v Russia game the other night. Just over 500. Iceland get 1500.

We have grounds in Cornwall that will hold 3-5000. Pz had 4500 when we played Wimbledon, 2500 when we played Leicster.

Don't all international games have to be played at ALL SEATER stadia?. danny-efc-pafc is right though, CORNWALL IS A COUNTY. The last time the people down here got "delusions of grandure", Trelawney got his butt kicked back where it came from. All this "We're a country" stuff is absurd, we already live in one of the poorest areas in Britain when it comes to things like wages/earning potential and thats with the Governments funding. How on earth could Cornwall be self sustainable by selling a few Potatoes and some daffodils each year.

We are lucky enough to live in what is probably one of the most beautiful and historic places in the world and we should consider ourselves lucky for that. When I compare it to where I grew up (The s#@t hole known as Seven Sisters in Tottenham), it's like a different world but they have one thing in common "They are both in ENGLAND".

Anyway, rant over.. For this Cornish team could there be Nigel Martyn in goal and the likes of Matthew Etherington playing?. What other PRO Cornish players could be considered?.

Guest danny-efc-pafc

dunno but if there was a team it would wud prob be called truro city lol

Guest TruroLad

cornwall as a country is so laughable, we already live below the national poverty line, it would be even worse on its own.

when international football is played who do you support? england by any chance?

you might be cornish but you are also english!!!


We are all entitled to our opinions and beliefs -

I am proud to be British but my Nationality is Cornish - not English,

Somebody East of the Tamar must have accepted that as I was allowed to put it - legally and correctly - on the official Census Form..!!

Where does the word 'Cornwall' come from - there are different theories on this, one is that, according to the study of ancient maps and books - Cornwall was once part of Wales - this later became known as 'Corner Wales' which led to the derivation of Corn-Wall'.

The true Cornish folk have Celtic origins and have more in common with Scotland, Ireland and Wales -

I know all the English Immigrants have different views as they like to lay claim to everywhere they colonise.



I know all the English Immigrants have different views as they like to lay claim to everywhere they colonise

I find that remark offensive. And in my opinion its boarder line racist. I've no problems with people being proud of where thier come from but like it or not Cornwall IS part of England. And yes i am English and i'm still living in England. :drink::c: :D


The Cornish are the remains of what would be called the ancient Britons. These people were pushed to the corners of the Island by the Romans, thus the Celtic ties with the Welsh, Scots and Irish. The English as most people would like to call us are mixture of Briton, Roman and Saxon - hence Anglo- Saxon.

It is understandable that the Cornish feel they have a separate identity due to the fact they have their own language, which was on comparison to the other nations which make up Briton (UK), however, due to its isolation Cornwall could and will never be able to support it self as a devolved nation, therefore, it is unfortunate to say that without England, Cornwall would be unable to exist, economically.

This does not mean that the population born and bred within the boundaries of the Duchy should not be proud of their heritage and their culture. It is a shame that with the migration of so many from across the Tamar into Cornwall, those whose roots are firmly embedded into the history of the Duchy are probably the minority in their own county.

In regards to the issue of taking part in the Celtic cup, Cornwall even though it is a county would have stronger grounds for entry into this competition than England; unfortunately I have to agree with others on this thread in regards to grounds. The capacity of the grounds and their overall standard would probably not reach the competition regulations. This could be solved of course by persuading Plymouth Argyle to let Cornwall’s home matches take place at Home Park, this would certainly meet regulations as it is a championship stadium.



I know all the English Immigrants have different views as they like to lay claim to everywhere they colonise

I find that remark offensive. And in my opinion its boarder line racist. I've no problems with people being proud of where thier come from but like it or not Cornwall IS part of England. And yes i am English and i'm still living in England. :drink::c::D

:clapper::clapper: Absoflippinlutely Anita.

Guest danny-efc-pafc

ok if people are saying theyre cornish not english blah blah blah, but if england where in it to and corwall did get a team in it, who would you support, cornwall or the team you most probably follow everytime there is a major tournament(england).


I really don't understand some the views above :-

I responded to someone telling me that they do recognise or accept Cornwalls History, Culture and Background and telling me what nationality I am..!!

So I am not allowed to call myself Cornish and have to be called English..... *%** #**

Try telling that to a Scotsman or Welshman - it is exactly the same as saying it to me..!!

I then stated a true and proven fact that over many, many years the real and true identity of Cornwall has been eroded and changed by the gradual influx of the English - then I get accused of borderline racism.!!

I think some of you have got this Completely the wrong way round.


So what is the connection between "race" and "culture"?

Since my Cornish family moved to the USA, my family tree has joined with some English (Adams, Coppock), a little Irish (Grier), and some Scots (MacDonald, twice!). Now that's the same sort of DNA anybody in Britain might have today, but surely I'm an American, right? So how's that work?


For fifty years, I thought Cornwall was a county. It is not. It is a Country. We are a Nation. I am Cornish, not English. We are, what we are taught, and we were not, and are still not, being told the truth, but more and more are finding out their real identity by the day.

Who do I support ? England. As do most Cornish people.

Check this out :c: It will take you two minutes or less.

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