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During one of our games this season we were told by the referee that if we needed to shout for an offside decision then we had to call a name !!!

I'm a bit puzzelled by this as our defence does not now every opponents name so does anyone know what you are allowed to shout.

We were told if we shouted (HOWSTHAT) that we would have an indirect freekick awarded against us !!!!

:wacko::wacko::wacko::wacko: :wacko:


3 words - PLAY ...... THE ...... WHISTLE. That's why God gave you ears :D


Appealing is one of the worst elements of this beautiful game.

Just what is the point? Think it through.

Is the referee going to give it your way because you shout - rather than what he sees? I think not.

Are you trying to tell the referee that he's wrong not to give a decision? - That's dissent, worth a caution.

Then what is the point? It undermines the Ref's authority.

Go on, some of you that shout for EVERYTHING - and there's a few about - tell me why.

It's just because it's become "normal". (I've even been told that "our players appeal because they've played Senior football and you have to appeal there!") UNBELIEVABLE.

Let referees get on with their job, get on with playing.

My favourite image is Rio Ferdinand, standing there with his arm in the air as an attacker ran past him to score. What a muppet!

My defenders know that if they stop with their arm in the air (A la Rio) it's an automatic substitution. (If we have any subs)


dear stig it seems to me you would prefer to ref robots who have no emotion as appose to 22 ,lads full of emotion and desperate to win . I thought there was a saying "if you dont ask you dont get"you cant expect players to run their hearts out and not appeal for a decision that they can clearly see should go their way

remember we are only human


I've NEVER played in a team or been involved in a match where somebody doesn't appeal. Like it or not Stig, people are ALWAYS going to appeal for decisions. When I'm attacking and a defender comes in to challenge me for the ball and it's not 100% clear who got the last touch, I will appeal as loudly as bloody possible.

You see Stig, like it or not there are times when even the ref isn't 100% sure who's throw or freekick it is, so you watch him look to his assistant but his assistant is stood there with his flag pointing straight up in the air. More often than not, the person who has appealed first generally gets the decision. This has always happened and I think it always will.

There are also times when I've been involved in games and the ref is clearly "giving to the shout", so at half time I'll say to my lads "for gods sake appeal for everything and stay off his back". Once again, generally this has the desired affect and decisions start to swing our way. Like r_and_l said "22 lads full of emotion and desperate to win". I expect my team to appeal for everything and fight for more.

EVERYBODY in my team is instructed by the manager to not get on the refs back and accept his decisions. so that's what we do BUT if we think a throwing of freekick is ours, we will appeal for it. It doesn't interfere with you guys running the game and even if the ref doesn't give the decision we were hoping for, because of what the manager told us before the game, we accept the decision and the game goes on.

I implore you to find me an example of a game where absolutely nobody has appealed for a decision. If you as a ref are unsure of a decision, you'll appeal to your assistant to see whether he can aid you with that decision. If a player is involved in a 50-50 challenge, he will appeal to the ref in hope that he gives what he believes is the right decision. "If in doubt, give the ref a shout"


well said coopsie couldnt have put it better myself.

appealing fora decision is not about disrespecting the ref,but if he is unsure to maybe swing the vote your way,its as much a part of football as scoring goals refs like stig just need to lighten up a bit more and try reffing with a smile on their faces :thumbsup:


.wow folks..... .lets go back to the top of the page and read it again .

The ref told us ............When we appeal we have to call a name .....what a load of rubbish !!!

No wonder refs are being questioned if this is what they are taught on refs training courses nowadays .

Seems we all missed this point .......THE REFEREE WAS WRONG IN WHAT HE SAID !!!!



Stig is 100% correct, in the laws of the game players are told not to appeal and in all my years as an official I have yet to meet a referee who gives free kicks or any decision to players who appeal. To take it to the limit if I give a decision to one team and a player from the opposition is screaming for the decision himself it now becomes dissent also constant appealing is really trying to intimidate the referee and i`m sure we have all met the player who knows full well which way the decision should be but is trying to influence the decision to his own benefit, this again is cheating if I may use the term and should be dealt with by a caution. For us to lighten up as per previous post I can assure you that any player who persistently appeals for everything on any game I officiate on will find me having a quiet word to him usually along the lines of you play and leave me to referee thats why I am here. Sorry if i have trod on a few toes but to reiterate Stig is 100% correct.


Nobody is arguing the point of needless appealing ......what is the point anyway ref won`t change his mind .

The point I am making is that the ref was wrong to tell a team to call a name when they appeal for offside .

Perhaps we should clear this up instead ...perhaps then he will become a better referee ....which is what we all want surely ??


Now Now everyone some of you have missed the point of this posting,

I asked the question if you do shout a Name for an offside decision (i not saying its correct to appeal but nearly every single player who plays football will or has appealed in his or her playing career) should a indirect free kick be awarded.

Thats all i'm asking so when we train i can inform all our players that they need to call a name ( which name i'm not sure)

:thumbsup::thumbsup: :thumbsup:


As zebedee said ................The ref told us ............When we appeal we have to call a name .....what a load of rubbish !!!

that should answer your question i think :D


:yahoo: :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:

Many thanks Anita.

We have had some refs this season who post on here and may i say they have all done a very good job !!!! This was not posted to have a go at any officials as i know how hard it is!!!!!!!!!


I've NEVER played in a team or been involved in a match where somebody doesn't appeal.

I implore you to find me an example of a game where absolutely nobody has appealed for a decision.

100% right Coopsie. (Is that a first?)

That's the whole point. It's become normal to express dissent and to try to cheat by appealing.

If it works' then we can forget this lovely game.

Perhaps we should just have a machine that measures how loud players shout - then automatically give the decision that way - a sort of clapometer. Won't need a ref.

It is WRONG. It should be stopped. You have explained why when you said that you've seen "referees giving to the shout". If they actually do, then it's totally wrong.

You know that. You've argued, most succinctly, against your own thesis.


I've argued against NOTHING. I've said that whether you like it or not, appealing is part of the game even if it is not written into the rules. If you are all going to get so pedantic over this, I'm sure that if you read through the actual rules of the game its-self (not the referees rules), I'll bet it doesn't state that a player may disposess and opponent by sliding across the floor and scooping the ball away from him. Yet slidetackles etc are all part of the game.

I'm getting fed up with those of you who are saying that by appealing for a decision I am cheating. I've never cheated in my life at anything and I represent a club that wouldn't stand for any kind of cheating in any shape or form. Appealing for a decision is part of the game, it is an "unwritten rule" and if there is a close call in any game that I'm involved in, I will continue to appeal.

There is no written rule that states that I should pass tha ball to my opponents if they have kicked it out of play so that somebody can receive treatment, yet I have done this all through my playing career and will continue to do so because it's become part of the game. The thing is, you guy's in black don't mind us doing that because it makes your job easier, but if we appeal for a throwing you feel like you are being undermined and "the power" is being taken away from you.

So to summarise, to call me and anybody else a "cheat" for HONESTLY appealing for a decision which is not a clear one to make is absolutely ridiculous and actually rather offensive. When I said previously that we've changed a game by appealing in the second half, I didn't bloody mean that we randomly shouted for every decision. I meant that when there was a 50-50 decision we appealed as loud as the opponents, therefore making the man in black think a little harder about the decisions he has to make. Sorry if this "decision making" is a burden for many of you, but you get paid pretty well to make them. Not many "normal people" will get £20+ for 90 minutes work, so stop the "cheating" talk and go sharpen your pencils because it seems that NO GAMES will ever be completed ever again because EVERYBODY is going to be booked then sent off for appealing for a throwing.

Yesterday we had Simon Harris officiating over our game and the appeals were loud and true from both teams throughout the game and he was having a good laugh with us while he calmly explained decisions he made. Not pathetically looking for a yellow card because somebody shouted out "Gulval ball" etc etc. Other refs like Nigel Jewell, Neil Harvey, Lenny Stevens, Grant, Brian Harris and even David James are happy to have a laugh during the game over appeals that are made, so why can't you lot on your high horse follow suit and actually try enjoying your footy rather than maintaining your "Hitler like" stance looking for any pathetic reason to dish out totally un-necessary £8 fines. I've never received a yellow card but I've appealed for decisions since I started playing football at 5 years of age, you guys must need to pick up your act a little, don't you think?. Look at all that money you've missed out on making for the C.C.F.A....

What you have to remember is unlike officials, we have to pay every week for the right to play football by way of paying subs etc and are passionate about wanting to win. You lot get paid regardless of result or performance and need to remember that we are not robots, we do care about the game and teams/players will always appeal for decisions. If you get petty and start dishing out yellow cards for this, then that is why we can "forget this lovely game", because everybody will be banned for appealing for a throw or something.


Yesterday we had Simon Harris officiating over our game and the appeals were loud and true from both teams throughout the game and he was having a good laugh with us while he calmly explained decisions he made. Not pathetically looking for a yellow card because somebody shouted out "Gulval ball" etc etc. Other refs like Nigel Jewell, Neil Harvey, Lenny Stevens, Grant, Brian Harris and even David James are happy to have a laugh during the game over appeals that are made--------------

Hey Coopsie i have been in Cyprus now for coming on 3 years but have reffed you. Go on say i was ok, mind if you dont think i was dont bother replying. B) B)


coopsie i completly agree with you on both of your comments

we had a ref yesterday at tms under 18s and whenever we appealed he gave it

yesterday we worked out he earnt the cornish fa £72 worth of fines well done

Along with this and EVERYTHING that Coopsie says is a solid argument for outlawing appealing.

It only happens because we expect it to happen and ref's DON'T stamp on it. IF it really affects a game, then we've reduced organised soccer to the level of the playground where the loudest shout (or the biggest bully) gets his way.

Tommy, I agree that players appeal. They appeal because it's become "normal" to do it. Apart from that, I can't think of a single logical argument for condoning it.

The justification that it may give you an advantage is just ill thought out and stupid. Do we really want the loudest shout to have an advantage?



Guest lalalaman15

usually when im linesman i just wave the flag and the supporters shout oi referee

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