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A word of warning - face CCFA suspension for social network posting

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From the County FA Website:

Cornwall Football Association have taken a firm stance against those who choose to place offensive comments on a public forum and it is hoped this will send a clear message to anyone associated with football in Cornwall that such unpleasant comments placed on media sites will not be tolerated. Four individuals have each been suspended from any involvement in all football for two qualifying matches.

The players, who the Cornwall FA have declined to name individually but stated all play for St Day FC, had been involved in writing a series of offensive posts on a public forum.

"The subject of the posts were insulting towards other players and clubs, using extremely offensive terms” said Phil Bunt, CCFA Discipline Panel Member.

Three of those charged by Cornwall FA in association with the offence of E3 Improper Conduct pleaded guilty by post and the fourth failed to respond and the case was heard without any explanation from him. All four were suspended from taking part in any football activity for a period of two qualifying matches and fined £25 each. Their suspensions will run from 6th January 2014.

"We are determined to see this type of activity stamped out across the county," said Mr Bunt, "and we think that these bans should go a long way to emphasising how seriously we take such matters."

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I applaud the CCFA for taking a stance on this. I hope forum users use the common sense that if you wouldnt say it to someone in the football club after a game then dont hide behind a made up anonymous name and verbally assault someone on a public forum. Hopefully this will not neutralise what can be a very entertaining place at times but will bring the forum back to what I'm sure Dave and Rich fully intended it to be in the first place which was topical debate on local football and quick and up to the minute match reports/results with a bit of humour thrown in and not personal vendetas against refs, clubs, managers, players and who made the best food for which no one came back for!!!

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I was going to add that as far as Rich and I are aware - it was not something posted on our Forum.

But to be fair - it's a warning to everyone. Especially to those 55 years old (we'll be keeping a very close eye on you!!!) :)

Can't have the Forum being accused of bringing the game into disrepute can we!

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Guest BenTheYeti

You can report postings on Facebook if they are of an offensive nature, but it's all through an automated system.

I am interested by this though (having done work as a MSN forum and chat room host/monitor), as to the privacy boundaries that actions like this could incur.
In this instance, the original post on Facebook was made "Public", so no privacy restrictions
But if I, for example, were to use my Facebook account to call Adam Mitchell (sorry mate), a cheating so and so for something his team did on the football pitch, and made it only readable by my friends, would/could the County FA do anything
The same, I guess, would apply to tweets between two people on Twitter, though there the lines are even more blurred, as anyone can "drop in" on any conversation between two people

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Guest BenTheYeti

Mr Yeti I think they could but it would take someone to screenshot it and send it to the County.

Referees up country have been suspended fir something similar to what you described.

But I suspect that the screenshot would break privacy rules of Facebook and Twitter.. Although being a member on either site, puts you under their privacy rules, you still have your own privacy settings which the websites have to adhere too, unless otherwise requested by a member of law enforcement.

So if you called a team/ref/player out on Facebook, but it was only viewable by your friends, and one of them decided to Screenshot it and send it to the FA.. I don't think they can do anything about it.

Social Media... Curse and a Blessing

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You can report postings on Facebook if they are of an offensive nature, but it's all through an automated system.

I am interested by this though (having done work as a MSN forum and chat room host/monitor), as to the privacy boundaries that actions like this could incur.

In this instance, the original post on Facebook was made "Public", so no privacy restrictions

But if I, for example, were to use my Facebook account to call Adam Mitchell (sorry mate), a cheating so and so for something his team did on the football pitch, and made it only readable by my friends, would/could the County FA do anything

The same, I guess, would apply to tweets between two people on Twitter, though there the lines are even more blurred, as anyone can "drop in" on any conversation between two people


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Mr Yeti I think they could but it would take someone to screenshot it and send it to the County.

Referees up country have been suspended fir something similar to what you described.

But I suspect that the screenshot would break privacy rules of Facebook and Twitter.. Although being a member on either site, puts you under their privacy rules, you still have your own privacy settings which the websites have to adhere too, unless otherwise requested by a member of law enforcement.

So if you called a team/ref/player out on Facebook, but it was only viewable by your friends, and one of them decided to Screenshot it and send it to the FA.. I don't think they can do anything about it.

That can't be right. If there is evidence, it can surely be used.

Take it one step further, if the abuse was racist or something similar. Then the "friends" would surely be able to report it?

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Guest BenTheYeti

Screen shots are easily doctored though, as I mentioned above, the case in question was public viewing (even I saw it and I've never been to St Day in my life). I suspect a screen shot would only be used to locate the original source of the abuse

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Screen shots are easily doctored though, as I mentioned above, the case in question was public viewing (even I saw it and I've never been to St Day in my life). I suspect a screen shot would only be used to locate the original source of the abuse

Dont worry yeti i won't post all the twitter remarks and facebook slaggings you've done to the ccfa about myself between you and mr keenan and to mr pitt over the past months, your secret slaggings off about me will not be mentioned. oooops

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Social media sites = shite.

I think you mean CCFA instead of Social Media. They're so backwards with the way that they do things.

I heard that they still send out carrier pigeons rather than emails, maybe they should try sorting out the way some Senior clubs are run then they wouldn't receive derogatory comments....

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Guest BenTheYeti

Only the truth as you will see no denial from yeti, the real little wind up merchant of the forum. Enough said.

You'll need some better bait than that on your hook

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local_ boy, thats strange as I get loads of e-mails from the CCFA plus all disciplinary reports are done by e-mail, in fact i do not have to put pen to paper for anything, perhaps you should update your computer.

you also do your match reports by email? as well as your signature? as you were

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Social media sites = shite.

I think you mean CCFA instead of Social Media. They're so backwards with the way that they do things.

I heard that they still send out carrier pigeons rather than emails, maybe they should try sorting out the way some Senior clubs are run then they wouldn't receive derogatory comments....

If I had meant the ccfa - I would have posted so.

Social media sites = shite - there you are, I said it again - clear enough ! :c:

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Guest BenTheYeti

Interesting that the CCFA declined to name the players in question, yet in the Sunday Independent;

"The player's names have appeared on the association website as...."

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