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Bovey Tracey

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Well, what a bad tempered match I witnessed today.

In my circle of footballing friends, quite regularly the ill temperament and bad nature of the bovey players are mentioned. I am sure they are quite pleasant people off the pitch, but on it, I have seen quite a few times this season just general poor discipline.

Today, some of them abused the ref and linesman on many occasions and in their big number 10, they have the biggest oaf in the SWPL. Throwing himself on the ground at every chance and screaming quite weirdly a lot. So many petulant fouls and moans at the officials.

If anyone would like to argue my point then I would like to direct you to the discipline page on the league website. Bovey in poll place!

Thats not to say Elburton were angels, far from it. They too were guilty of a lot of petty fouls and their sending off was probably right given the accumulation of fouls he committed throughout. They also find themselves right behind bovey in the discipline league.

A mention for the refs today. They had such hard work with these two no wonder they made errors!

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Cant argue with facts and tables. At times this season we have been embarrassing. However, yesterday I'm not sure if you were at the correct game? We have and will continue to correct our discipline on the field and also in the dugout. The fact our opponents were very physical and tried bullying us off the field should not go unmentioned. We make no excuses but yesterdays game I find hard to blame my players for ill discipline when in fact it was our player who got took too hospital following yet another late tackle. Like I said our discipline has been embarrasing at times in the dugout and on the field but yesterday there is no way we showed poor discipline, with what the players had to put up with from our opponents, I am defending us on the game yesterday but not the season as a whole. Would you like some glasses next time you visit Henning Berg :) ?

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My glasses were cleaned and clear yesterday thanks. :)

Both teams were equally as poor in challenges Mr German, but the point I was trying to raise was the way in which your players constantly berated the referee and swore at him. It is a shame because i thought you had a few tidy players in the middle of the pitch, little lad looked very bright when he came on.

The big 10 (Oaf) is actually quite a decent player and he would be a lot better if he cut the c**p out of his game!

Are you trying to address these issues with your lads? :SM_carton:

Forgot to mention about the lad who went to hospital…how is he? He looked in some pain. I thought the challenge that injured him wasn't a bad one though, it was the way he landed that did the damage.

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Once again, I didn't think we got in the officials faces yesterday. We showed good discipline when in fact another team may have reacted differently to the MANY bad/serious fouls that we had against us. Thank you for the compliments on the players. I thought we bossed the game from start to finish other than 15 minutes in the first half. Sometimes the better team lose but hey that's football. For the challenge that wasn't that bad on our player that went to hospital, I'm shocked! Your glasses must have been steamed up. I won't mention the other 4-5 seriously bad tackles that could have had worse injuries than the one we witnessed. Of course we are working to change the corner on our discipline side and we will continue to do so but it doesn't help getting opponents like we had yesterday, who from the first whistle, was out to bully us and put in bad tackles minute after minute realising they can get away with it because of the poor officiating from the man in black. But I understand - you didn't see any of this either through your 'clean' glasses :-/. Have a great xmas Mr Berg

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Dear o dear, mr berg do you realise it's MENS football and not mickey mouse football! It's semi pro football so of course it will be competitive ??

Very strange topic

Read it again best.

I am referring to this game and how this season Bovey have accumulated many comments from people that have seen them, stating their ill discipline towards officials and in the way they conduct themselves.

Where do I say they are 'over-competitive'? of course its going to be competitive who would want to take that away from a physical league, all i am saying is that its totally unfair that the refs have to take so much crap week in week out and that Bovey are one of the main offenders.

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This is an interesting report, copied and pasted from a groundhoppers forum (Where Did You Go) on the nonleaguematters site, the follow on from the old Tony Kempster site.

85. Saturday 14 December 2013 – South West Peninsula Premier – Attendance: 94 (my early h/c was 55 – I can only assume Robbie counted the seagulls)
Torpoint Athletic (yellow & black/black/yellow) 3-2 Bovey Tracey (red/red/red)
Scorers: Torpoint Athletic (Applegate 23, King 84, Smith 88) Bovey Tracey (Lewington 42, Dickin 45)
Pitch: close cut, no weeds, will do for this level – Weather: dull, blowing half a gale

My expedition started at Paddington station, however the last leg of my journey was on the No.32 bus, on the ferry, for a lunchtime arrival. A return journey of 450 miles was not too much on the train, with an overnight rest in Plymouth – this trip was my Christmas present to me. I was pleased to be back at The Mill to see my ball being kicked around, by 19 players, although a more decisive referee could have made it less.

I was fearful of a dull game, but Bovey Tracey started brightly, heading wide from in front of goal and a penetrating cross flashed past everyone. Torpoint Athletic were far more workman-like, struggled to find any unity, but a long-throw found Ben Applegate, who swung a lazy boot at the ball. Applegate’s strike defeated the visitor’s goalkeeper at the near post. Danny Brook was restricted to one long-range effort, grubbed wide, but the game was broken up by repetitive stops for injuries and yellow cards for a few. However the referee missed the main culprit, as Bovey Tracey’s no.8 could have been dismissed before half-time. Bovey Tracey delighted no one by kicking the ball away, not that it mattered to the referee, also leaving a heavy boot in many tackles, an action that is likely to injure your opponent. For most of the first-half Bovey Tracey played the better football, but in the moments leading up to half-time Torpoint Athletic switched off. Jared Lewington got the slightest of touches to a free-kick to claim the equalising goal. Then on the stroke of half-time, Sam Dicken curled in a shot from 20 yards. Half-time 1-2, half the floodlights on, but luckily a 2.15 start had been called, until Robbie puts in the new bulbs.

The second-half degenerated into a scrap, as Bovey Tracey stopped playing. It was not difficult to see where this was going and two yellow cards for a home player equalled one red. Torpoint Athletic were rightly down to 10-men, the assistant manager went too and they were potentially sitting targets, but the visitor’s behaviour was mystifying. The tactics employed were utterly negative, as they never once looked to punish Torpoint Athletic and were more intent on confrontation and hostilities. Torpoint Athletic did not expire and during a rare passage of football, Josh King’s gentle header looped over the visitor’s keeper into the net. Bovey Tracey lost concentration and conceded a late winner as Dave Smith slid the ball home, almost unnoticed. Then, the referee caught up with Bovey Tracey, brandishing two red cards and quickly reduced them to nine – I can only assume that he had got fed up with them.

For most of the 93 minutes, the game was played by two teams of mindless individuals, but Torpoint Athletic struck gold, simply because they were not completely sucked into Bovey Tracey’s dismal sportsmanship. Torpoint Athletic’s discipline was bad, but not half as bad as Bovey Tracey’s, who really should have won the game comfortably.

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djs great report - I agree B T should of won comfortably but seem to enjoy shooting themselves in the foot at least twice v Torpoint.

BoveyTracey have dropped standards since behaviour has deteriorated from last season. Ryan the German should be looking at two or three key players, he must be aware of, who are bringing shame on this footballing club. The number 10 (Liverton last season I think) is a nutter constantly berating his team mates and himself at times with screams of frustration = weirdo. But this is a shame cause BT have good staff and support but players are letting down the side - Ryan you must get your act together and stop this nonsense. Its a constant theme take stock and take action or reap the consequences!!!

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Reluctant as I am to follow the last reply by a literary genius who contributed 3 words..one spelt incorrectly, I feel I must add my thoughts to this topic. Due to work I am an infrequent visitor to the Mill to watch Torpoint Athletic, managing only a handful of games per season. I unfortunately watched the match against Bovey and can only say that if this was an example of sportsmanship then I am glad I don't see more matches. I am not going to repeat the charges made against an appalling Bovey team (including the management) except to say that all the aforementioned criticism is justified. They fully deserve their position at the top of the baddies league, however, due to the alleged report by a number of home supporters that they overheard several Bovey players at halftime say they were going to get a Torpoint player sent off (which happened) I feel that another count of red and yellow cards be made. The cards I refer to are the ones that are awarded to the opponents of Bovey. who are dragged down to their level of aggression, retaliation etc. I am aware that individual players are responsible for their own conduct but it would try the patience of a saint to ignore the behaviour of certain players in the Bovey Tracey team. I wonder if other teams who have had players "carded" playing against Bovey have any thoughts? I certainly don't wish to watch them again unless they sort themselves out

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