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Cornwall Football Forum

To-nights SWPL West Match

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I went down to watch this game and after watching penryn at the start of the season I really thought they would be in the mix, but after tonight's performance I was bitterly dissapointed

The small lad on the left for penryn moaned for 90mins and seemed like he was trying to run the show(but with no success) when penryn went 3-2 down he kept telling his team mates to give him the ball and he'll "make things happen" which I found amusing as he couldn't seem to tell his left from his right foot for most the match poor chap! the stocky penryn striker walked around the whole game looking like he'd rather be down club I pulling the birds and the slim blonde chap tazzer? Was awful when he came on, trying to dictate the game but only succeeding in giving the ball away 9 times out of 10 then procedding to blame his team mates no teamwork no good football no points :/ eeeeek!

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