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Cornwall Football Forum

Pre-season Tour August 2012

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Hi all,

I hope you can Help.

I run a Sunday league team in Kent & am trying to organise a tour for this summer.

For the last 2 years I have attended a small festival in your great part of the country, I thought I could marry up this year’s trip with a tour.

We would like to be in or around the Newquay area if possible, could any of you recommend the best places to stay whilst keeping the cost down?

Secondly and most importantly, I have no idea of how to get in touch with some local teams to see if I can generate any interest in having a pre-season game against us.

We would like to play an afternoon fixture on Sunday11th of august and possibly a evening kick off on Tuesday the 13th and/or the 14th, do you think teams will be willing to play mid-week and are there any adequate local facilities for this?

I appreciate in advance any advice you can give.


(Earl Grey Fc - Gravesend, Kent)

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Hi Glenn, Newquay should be able to more an accommodate your needs. The Godolphin Pub would be a great place to stay which offers B&B at a reasonable price. If possible Derek Martin is the person to get further details about this. With regards to football there are a range of teams that would probably be able to arrange fixtures with you. Jim Hilton one of the managers at Newquay AFC has been helping touring teams for years arrange fixtures and will put a range of different standard teams together for a game. Further more in the town you have Premiersixes FC and Godolphin that I am sure would be more than accommodating. If the above interests you in any way, I can PM you further details of people that will be able to help you further.

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