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I am very sorry to announce that Tristan Scott passed away this morning at the Royal Duchy Hospital.Truro.

As you all know Tristan has given a life time to football with his involvement within the County FA and the South Western Football League and of course Bugle FC.

More tributes later.

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So sorry to hear the news about Tristan.An absolute gentleman,had the pleasure of spending many hours in his company

on the long county coach trips and on his table at the SWL awards dinner when it used to be at Launceston

every year.Always had a smile for you,what a sad couple of years for cornish football losing so many

great characters.Condolences to Tristan's family and many friends in football :c:

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Another sad loss.

Tristan was the face of Cornish football having been involved in the game for all his life and holding positions within the C.C.F.A., The S.W.L and was currently the joint President of the new SWPL.

He was always approachable with a smile and word at all County Finals and Cornwall games.

I will always remember him for sending me the annual SWL handbook with compliments every season.

RIP Tristan and condolences to your closest family and friends.

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Posted on behalf of Bob Bell:

I am deeply saddened to hear of the loss of my dear friend Tristan Scott.

I had the privilege to know Tristan from the 1970’s when I was managing first Millbrook and then his beloved Bugle, he was instrumental in my going to that club.

Later he became my mentor when I was his Vice Chairman of the South Western League and later when I succeeded him as Chairman, he had held that position for 22 years .

Tristan loved football in all its aspects and was renowned for his enjoyment of the social side of the sport, always welcomed and respected wherever he went, he was popular and loved throughout Cornwall.

I valued his friendship, his advice and guidance and will miss him very much. My condolences go to Philip, Caroline and his grandchildren and to his countless friends in football and life, rest in peace my friend.

Bob Bell, Former Chairman of the South Western and South West Peninsula Leagues.

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Another very sad loss to our game. I knew Tristan was very poorly and we were all very concerned about him on the way home from our final at Bitton recently. I've known Tristan for as long as I can remember and he like many others have given a lifetime of service to the game.

Tristan was hugely supportive of all we do at County Youth level and always made the effort to be at every game.

My condolences to all his family.


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Could,nt believe the news when i arrived at last nights dinner in plymouth.He has been a friend to my mum and dad for many years.Tristan loved his football and was one of the nicest people you could wish to know.He was a legend at Bugle and i remember his pride when we went from "whipping boys"to south western league champions back in the eighties.Sadly moving down west i never saw Tristan so regularly but he always seemed to be there whenever i reached any cup finals.The fact he regularly asked after me speaks volumes of his caring character and he will be sadly missed.Condolenses to Tristans family from the Bullock family and everyone at hayle football club.

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I am very sorry to announce that Tristan Scott passed away this morning at the Royal Duchy Hospital.Truro.

As you all know Tristan has given a life time to football with his involvement within the County FA and the South Western Football League and of course Bugle FC.

More tributes later.

All at Blaise Park send condolences to Tristan's Family and many Friends, he was truly a Gentleman and Football sage. You will be missed Tristan.R.I.P.

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being a bugle boy born and bred my thougts are with his family i know how much he was thought of at bugle.im sure i speak on behalf of all the guys that were at bugle my dad played for bugle and im gutted that these things happen rest in peace and i know cornish football has lost a gent alan metters

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Tristan will be a huge loss. I can't imagine many, if any, other people giving as much time to local football as Tristan did. I knew he was not in great health but you never really expect people like Tristan to go! He'll be missed at St.Austell and everywhere throughout Cornwall. Special condolonces to my old schoolmate Phil.

I can't see an announcement in WMN, does anyone yet know when and where the funeral is?

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